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  • Sorry but I happened to bump into this conversation:

    "I remember my review help her becoming popular. She was so cool. But with time, sometimes people forget it and then only focus on money."

    Come on Still Up! You know better than that, she doesn’t owe you anything and never will. You are not the one sucking cocks and spreading your legs for a living!
    Cap'tain Fantastic
    Cap'tain Fantastic
    She is the one that has built her reputation with her beauty, skills and personality.
    I read your review about amazing spa
    i am surprise about Li-Anna price
    I thought that all the girl were charging the same price
    i saw Alicia once and her price was 180+ the room fee
    it's not the same with Li-Anna ?
    • Like
    Reactions: still up
    still up
    No.... I used to give them $140 + $60 for the house, for a total of $200. Lucky told me that was perfect. Then when Lianna became very popular, she said her rate is now $200. That was a year ago. God knows where is her rate now. I remember my review help her becoming popular. She was so cool. But with time, sometimes people forget it and then only focus on money.
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