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  1. J

    Man held in escort's death (Montreal Gazette)

    Re: Sp murdered 7-8 years ago JustaJohn, To answer your question.. No, I was not refering that case you mentionned above. It was another case... the lady was working alone and she had met the client for the first time. Her body was found in the alley the day after near the appartment...
  2. J

    Man held in escort's death (Montreal Gazette)

    Re: Re: Re: Man held in escort's death (Montreal Gazette) Just to clarify my post if it was leading to misunterpretation... When I wrote: «This case shows us the "risky" part of this profession. The lady often never know (except for a regular client) what could happen... some...
  3. J

    Man held in escort's death (Montreal Gazette)

    Very sad story ! Moment of reflexion for all of us. This case shows us the "risky" part of this profession. The lady often never know (except for a regular client) what could happen... some misunderstanding or bad communication between the two persons combined to others factors (drugs...
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