Indy Companion
Montreal Escorts

Search results

  1. 2

    Indie SP visited by LE

    She may be contravening the law not by selling sex, but by doing it close to a school, church or kindergarten. It could be that there was a complaint by a neighbor.
  2. 2

    Blue Bonnets racetrack - New shopping mega mall. Good idea or not?

    If this place opens up, I would not go there unless there is something special and only from 10:00-2:00 weekdays only.
  3. 2

    Need ideas for a restaurant in or near Old Montreal

    Is this for day, night, weekend. Some places are available in the after noon 2:00-4:00 but not during meal times.
  4. 2

    What's your favorite 2 steamies and a frite place?

    Harveys hot dogs are pretty good.
  5. 2

    Is there justification for paying $40 to have your tires filled with nitrogen?

    if you buy tires at Costco, nitrogen is free.
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