Montreal Escorts

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  1. F

    Hottest SP that you ever banged.

    I will now put Rebecca of Godiva as #1 hottest. Will provide review in a few days, but not much to add from others. Amazing body & face, with very friendly personality (which boosts her appeal, to me!)
  2. F

    Repeats: Why some do? Why some try to avoid it?

    I third the sentiment! I get just a few chances to hobby a year as well. This will be my first time in Montreal soon, so I'm still debating whether setting up with an Indy (that I might hit it of with and meet another time), or choose one of the many outstanding agency women who I will less...
  3. F

    Best reason to cross the canada border seeing a escort

    Personally I always found the us agents the biggest jerks, especially after 9/11 but even before then. I remember crossing a small border in Vermont and Montana, we were the only car in line, had my family with me, and the guy was questioning me like I was trying to smuggle explosives or heroin...
  4. F


    He may be honorable, but he's extremely close-minded. Too adherent to a document drafted >200yrs ago and not accepting enough of other points of views, other beliefs, etc. In many ways he scared me far more than Trump. I think Hillary's main enemy is her own ego/smugness (as with her...
  5. F


    I don't think he'll win but the lead up will be nasty and ugly, making me further ashamed to be an American.
  6. F

    High End Myth

    I may have missed this on the previous 6 pages of replies, but I recall an interesting study done years back. The basic gist was this: People were offered two bottles of wine, one priced at $5 and the other priced at $50. They were asked to rate the wines and generally gave higher ratings to...
  7. F

    Would you see an sp who does not provide lfk and dfk

    Its definitely HEAVILY desired and makes for a MUCH more memorable session! I've had some good sessions where it was LFK or nearly no kissing at all but the woman's body was so nice (especially in spoon or doggy) that it didn't kill the hour. But the greatest times I've had included a lot of...
  8. F

    High End Myth

    Make that a 4th person who owned a BMW ('03 M3). Fantastic car. Hardly anything went wrong with it, but when it did, I was practically scrounging to eat soup broth and bread for the month! Combined with the need for premium gas & synthetic oil, whew! Maybe we should start a new thread on...
  9. F

    What special requests do you ask for to SPs

    haha, reminds me of this video: :-D
  10. F

    How do you prepare? What rituals do you have?

    - Also abstain for a couple days. - used to have a 'Muscle Milk' a couple hours before but it leaves a chalky taste in my mouth that no amount of toothbrushing seems to take away, so I don't think I'll do that anymore. - instead, a protein/fruit-heavy smoothie - fills the stomach but not too...
  11. F

    Advance Booking Schedules RANT

    I'm like you - I like to plan ahead too (sometimes too far ahead for my own good!) I won't defend or slag on the agencies, probably better to let them feedback. But when its weeks ahead, I prefer emailing indies anyway - hopefully they have time and can share some banter, get to know each...
  12. F

    Outcall at home?

    Something left by the SP (makeup, personal item, hair clip, stuff like that) that I don't catch/find. Or a smell, even after washing sheets. [I joked about 'Misery' - I assume most homes are chaotic enough that turning or adjusting something in the house isn't going to get noticed! ]
  13. F

    Outcall at home?

    I let an outcall come to my home when I was single - it was a pretty secure apartmnent bldg but she could buzz in from the outside - easy-peasy. But now? NO WAY (even if the SO was away for a trip). As people say, it only takes the smallest detail and it will get detected. Like the penguins...
  14. F

    Have you ever ask a SP out for a date?

    It's good to hear experience on this! I too have the fantasy that an SP will want to spend time with me afterwards or hookup off the clock for the sole reason that she had so much fun with me! But I must continually remind myself that this is fantasy: it's just not going to happen in reality!
  15. F

    Agencies vs Indies

    Thanks talkinghead. I guess I didn't look far enough back when I did my search! 2014 is like a BILLION years ago in SP time! ;-)
  16. F

    Scott Stirling Yale VolleyBall Sensation

    That's awesome, similar to a soccer (er, football for the EU crowd) one. Pretty amazing the work that went into making that!
  17. F

    Agencies vs Indies

    This is maybe more of a 'poll' like question but from what I see in Montreal with such a mother-lode of amazing agencies and independent women, but what do you like/dislike about each? I've yet to enjoy Montreal but with my experience so far in other places, here's a starter list: Agency...
  18. F

    What is more dangerous?

    If I got caught watching porn by my SO, she'd be disappointed, maybe a little pissed, but we'd get over it. If I got caught with an SP, it'd be all over. So in that sense, seeing SPs is more dangerous. But I think porn is potentially more "insidious". I've gone thru periods where I spent...
  19. F

    Squeaky beds: Annoying or not? Do they affect your performance or not?

    I would have to agree with most of the posters here: maybe its our age and being male? "If its broken, it must be fixed! Please hold that position on the chair, miss, while I get a Phillips and WD40." Maybe during an incall, you could offer to fix the bed for a discount or extra time? :)
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