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  1. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    Are you sure that there isn't a disclaimer (which you'd need to read to know why there's an asterisk anyway)? I may have read the first post wrong then... ;)
  2. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    It's for both :)
  3. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    Yeah, common sense isn't so common sometimes... haha. My question was rhetorical in a way. I was just wondering where we draw the line because obviously some things don't need to be asked, like "have you ever been alone with a dangerous client?" or "what's your real name?". Asterisk or not...
  4. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    What do you mean by that?
  5. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    If by "exit plan" you mean grabbing my stuff and leaving, yes, I've done that before. I don't think it's very nice to ask people questions about (or related to) the potentially traumatic things they've gone through though.
  6. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    After is best because post-sex food just tastes better somehow, but I'm good with both.
  7. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    I don't ask/beg anyone to repeat, as that would be odd and a tad desperate haha. But I do sometimes say "I'll keep your contact so that next time you message me, I'll know it's you and I'll be super happy to see you again!"
  8. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    Why would it be different in another city than a new girl in Montreal? If anything being new to a city usually brings MORE business not less
  9. Julia Sky

    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately? Part 2

    Hahhaha they definitely know what they're doing. There's also one called Ti boeuf... which... well... if you speak creole you know what I mean haha
  10. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    I would rather go blind (a little dramatic but it's just a song title lol). Nope. I would never.
  11. Julia Sky

    Julia Sky selfie thread

  12. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    Parfois plusieurs heures, parfois plusieurs jours, parfois des semaines si j'ai envie de prendre du temps off. Lorsque c'est la même journée c'est quand même rarement moins d'une heure entre deux rdv. 10-15mins c'est peut-être le rythme en agence (et encore c'est probablement plus proche de...
  13. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    Tbh I would not only accept, but I would be very excited about it too. Haha! I'm a foodie, as long as food tastes good and it isn't McDonald's I'm good. MTL à table seems like a fun event.
  14. Julia Sky

    Questions pour un débutant

    Well yes but they dont have to cooperate or "arrange it", that's not how raids work. If they were to raid an agency or a salon (and they did in the past), they're not going to ask permission nor cooperation from the owners lol they're just going to do it. But as you said, doing one's homework...
  15. Julia Sky

    What's the tightest pussy you encountered?

    I don't know if she would object, but honestly I personally don't believe in naming my colleagues when discussing their vaginas publicly. It's weird, even if I'm saying something positive lol. Happy to share the anecdote because it was impressive but that's it haha
  16. Julia Sky

    Do tattoos on a service provider impact your decision to choose their services?

    I don't want her name, I'm just saying it takes several years (2 being the very minimum) to remove tattoos and considering escorts with tattoos are able to pay their bills, I'm not convinced that losing clients really was the reason. But it's not that deep and I don't need to know, I'm just...
  17. Julia Sky

    Do tattoos on a service provider impact your decision to choose their services?

    Removing tattoos takes at least 2 years typically. It's very time consuming and very expensive so I'm kind of suspicious about this story, plenty of escorts with tattoos making money, I don't see why she wouldn't? And if that's the case then why spend the little money she makes on laser for...
  18. Julia Sky

    Ask us anything part 3

    Well yes. Sex workers already pay taxes. Not every job is regulated in the way you want sex work to be regulated though. That's my point. You sound like you don't even know what you're talking about.... did you click on the link?
  19. Julia Sky

    What's the tightest pussy you encountered?

    I have a duo partner who is very tight. Won't name her becsuse I haven't been inside her (haha) and I'm not a client so the question isn't for me, but I've once heard her pussy make a suction cup noise as the client pulled out. I imagine she has to be quite tight for that to happen, I was impressed.
  20. Julia Sky

    being a pornstar is hard...

    Did you try to say anything or you just watched in shock?
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