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  1. Like_It_Hot

    Risk of fingering a girl?

    ^^^^^^ And I wish you also washed your hands after this activity... and before getting dances from an other girl. Some girls even provided Purell (before COVID) to clean your hands before more intimate encounter. Been there, done that...
  2. Like_It_Hot

    Will the US get involved with the Hamas attack on Israel?

    I think your post is OK but we should not limit the discussion to "What is debated here is direct involvement of US troops in combat." The original title of this thread is: Will the US get involved with the Hamas attack on Israel? It's clear US is already involved. Blinken is in Israel for a...
  3. Like_It_Hot

    The Trudeau Crime Family

    C'est facile d'accuser quelqu'un de corruption. Quels sont les faits appuyant ces affirmation? Trump accuse tous les jours Biden d'être corrompu sans jamais apporter quelques preuves ou évidence... On lit la même chose sur ce forum. Ce n'est pas parce que quelqu'un (Trudeau par exemple) est...
  4. Like_It_Hot

    I'm becoming a 1 SOG guy ** Sad Face **

    You know that your balls have nothing to do with a massive load. 95% of the load come from the prostate. Brain is the major player in sex. It's so funny to read the comments, sometime.
  5. Like_It_Hot

    No Black men

    It does exist and there are post clearly stating no men over 55. I have seen on A123. Not common but yes. Others don't write it but will do a screening afterward and will not book you. Anyway it is easy to figure out a young lady not being at ease with men older than their father. Other don't...
  6. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    They should had stay home alone!!! Et arrêter d'écoeurer les autres. "To be left alone".. That is not what they asked. They tried to impose their silly point of view and were an horrible nuisance. Ils ne devaient pas brimer la liberté des honnêtes citoyens en envahissant leurs quartiers...
  7. Like_It_Hot

    Do you get turned off by women that swear a lot?

    But intelligence need to be stimulated and developed. You have also full educated plain idiots.
  8. Like_It_Hot

    Do you get turned off by women that swear a lot?

    Those are more Canadian-American classics... just listen to all those English speaking rappers. Mais définitivement, le manque de classe est un gros turn-off. Des expressions "kinky" ou cochonnes comme "Fourre-moi, Prend-moi solide, Mange-moi" sont correctes avec modération. Mais comme on...
  9. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    So funny to read your posts. Your bank accounts were frozen??? Freezing the criminals bank accounts is the way to go! Peacefull truckers disturbing the living of honest residents downtown Ottawa for weeks? FreeDumb!!!! Libarté!!! They honked for days and polluted the area by letting...
  10. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    @Chouin95 Ne te méprends sur mes allégeances... Je n"ai jamais voté pour le parti Libéral, ni au Québec, ni au Canada. J'ai peu/pas de sympathie pour Trudeau. Simplement, Trudeau il a une équipe et un plan. On peut aimer ou pas... Poilièvre, c'est le néant. Il est à la tête d'un parti qui...
  11. Like_It_Hot

    Hamas & Israel

    Absolument désolant cette catastrophe. Ne soyons pas bernés. Le HAMAS ne veut pas la libération des Palestiniens dans un État Palestinien. Son but avoué est la destruction d'Israël et l'établissement d'un État Islamique dans toute la région et enlevant la liberté à tous, particulièrement les...
  12. Like_It_Hot

    The Trudeau Crime Family

    Ok blame it on your device, blame your keyboard. With all the things you publish, you should know where the keys are... The 7 is between 8 and 9 AND the 1 just before 2. But you are right... it is the fault of your math teacher... Blaming others is a poor defense but easy excuse for...
  13. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Propagande??? ce sont des fait connus publiés et enregistrés dans le plumitif du Palais de Justice. Cherche dans un dictionnaire tu apprendras ce qu'est le plumitif. De la propagande c'est ce que Poilièvre et son équipe fait en faisant miroiter de l'essence à moins de $1 le litre, en...
  14. Like_It_Hot

    The Trudeau Crime Family

    It is really funny to read you commenting on silly comment... You can't even respond in the proper thread. (My post was not published in this thread). Stop jumping all around and repeating the same arguments over and over! We know you hate Trudeau, that is the only thing which is obvious in...
  15. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Bizarre comme les choses se recoupent... Une participante au FreeDumb ConVoy, appuyé par Poilièvre, est une pédophile reconnue (voir son plaidoyer de culpabilité)... et est la coloc de Germain Lemay. Bien sûr Poilièvre n'est pas un pédophile mais à vouloir s'associer à tous ceux qui sont...
  16. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Courte vue... dans le département des conneries son père PET et son sous-fifre Chrétien ont établi des standard qui ne seront probablement jamais égalés. D'autre part, Poilièvre n'a jamais rien dirigé à part sa gang de zigotos de la Chambre des Communes. Devenir Premier Ministre ne devrait pas...
  17. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Quel crétin! il pense qu'il y aura beaucoup d'imbéciles qui croiront à ses promesses débiles et qu'il aura une majorité. Du gaz à $0,99 Ben oui! Dans vos rêves les naïf.
  18. Like_It_Hot


    Why doing so much assumptions without any data to support them. We all know vaccinated people are more protected against severe disease. Hopefully most "at risk people" are vaccinated. Unfortunately, vaccines are less efficient on older people (80+) which immunological response is not as...
  19. Like_It_Hot


    You just show up your ignorance in the way vaccines work. Infection always occurs before a vaccinated person can react. It is the infection that triggers the vaccines power to fight it. Whether you get symptoms is depending on the infectious agent and yes COVID is different from others, more...
  20. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    They were FreeDumb. Those calling to fire the Director of Canada Bank just don't understand how global economy works. Without the intervention of central banks, inflation would be much higher and when it happens your money is devaluates creating more and more inflation. Just take a look at...
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