Montreal Escorts

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  1. urquell

    Where is the next Thailand - retirement research

    major cities are better for sure. It depends on why you're going too. If it's just to hang out and see stuff or whatever then there's better places to go. The exception to this is Angkor Wat. If you're into history and ancient cities then Angkor Wat is totally worth a visit, but you have to go...
  2. urquell

    Where is the next Thailand - retirement research

    Indonesia is not up and coming, it's already there, with a huge scene. There is a wide discrepancy in pricing but cheap options are available, and the MPs are the best I've ever seen. Cost of living (in Jakarta) is relatively cheap. However, Jakarta is a huge, dirty city with a very big...
  3. urquell

    Massage parlour presentation abuse

    If you're willing to go to Australia then you might want to consider a trip/stopover in Jakkarta and/or Bali. The MPs in Jakkarta are truly spectacular and you'll definitely appreciate the presentations there! lol.
  4. urquell

    Massage parlour presentation abuse

    You owe it to yourself the next time you're in Pattaya to do the fishbowl thing at a soapy. They do soapies better there than anywhere else and it's a neat experience. You get to pick your girl of course, but there's probably a hundred of them. Pick the place known for the best training of their...
  5. urquell

    Massage parlour presentation abuse

    It's not an apt comparison because the presentation style in Thailand is the "fishbowl" concept and you're usually not interacting with the girls in MPs. What's being referred to are the go-gos and the beer bars, where you can sit down and actually chat with the girls, have drinks, socialize etc...
  6. urquell

    What's a good tip?

    There's too much hypocrisy and entitlement in tipping for me to try to keep a straight face internally when people are holding their hands out either physically or metaphorically, and I completely ignore "default" tip levels. Look, you go to a Dairy Queen, the guy or girl behind the counter...
  7. urquell

    Massage parlour presentation abuse

    I understand why a girl working in a salon would find presentations tedious, and there's no question that there's a lot of time wasting guys out there, but it's also a great opportunity to sell yourself to the clients, and most of the best providers I know don't waste the opportunity. As a guy...
  8. urquell

    In The News Today = Montreal Area Massage Parlors

    Nothing much will change. Instead of having public facing store fronts the asians will move into micros like they do in Vancouver. Supply might even actually grow but the communications channels might change slightly.
  9. urquell

    Do you read books? What are you reading right now?

    I read voraciously and am currently reading the Alex Verus series. I have also recently been re-reading the Dortmunder series from Donald Westlake and some of the Carl Hiassen books, where both sets of books are hysterical.
  10. urquell

    Ask us anything part 3

    1- The first time I saw an SP it was actually an SW. I lived close to a working section, was drunk enough to overcome my terror of approaching a girl, and horny. I was very young and inexperienced and while it was fun in retrospect I know that I got screwed in a variety of ways which weren't...
  11. urquell

    How to introduce yourself like a pro

    I'm not against the idea of pet names. I'm against the idea of pet names from someone I've never met or spoken to before. Once people know each other then nicknames or pet names are fine. We were talking about introductions though, and I'd much rather have a "Hi Urquell, nice to meet you" as...
  12. urquell

    How to introduce yourself like a pro

    I will usually write and give my first name then I will ask for a period of time usually on one of two days. When dealing with indies I always ask at least a day in advance, and often more. I allow 4 hours for a response. I don't need a confirmation of the time because people are busy, don't...
  13. urquell

    Ask us anything part 3

    So no Mexican clients then. (Only speak annoying foreing languages, always trying to cross international boundaries...) *crickets* I'll show myself out.
  14. urquell

    Joke Thread

  15. urquell

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    I started to look at the thread, said fuck this, and decided to skip the word vomit and go back to the OP. There's simply too much pent up whatever making its way out here. Keeping it simple, and because without really knowing the person you can't know the whys and wherefores of the policy I...
  16. urquell

    Ask us anything part 3

    Good hygiene just makes good sense for a number of businesses with people interactions, but yeah, people are babies sometimes. I'm not just asking about hygiene though.
  17. urquell

    Ask us anything part 3

    Thanks. This brings up a corollary to your response. Do you screen/observe/mention/regulate how long the client spends in the shower, or what he does there? We all know that many guys don't want to take showers, having already showered (allegedly). What is the minimum standard? Guy grumbles...
  18. urquell

    Ask us anything part 3

    You're absolutely right, and I didn't frame the question properly. I should have said without exceeding the agreed to time, so in other words if you nut 20 mins into a 60 minute session. I didn't mean to suggest that the agreed to time should be exceeded for any reason beyond mutual consent to...
  19. urquell

    Ask us anything part 3

    Generally speaking, and making allowances for every provider being different and that there is no universal answer, is it the generally (majority) accepted understanding that a session is over when the time allocation is up, or when the SOG(s) is complete?
  20. urquell

    Is business slowing down?

    They are the cut and paste latina independent MPs. Do a quick search in the massage section and you'll find the various reviews easily.
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