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  1. W

    posted age vs actual age conversion chart

    It's mostly the use of the word evolved
  2. W

    posted age vs actual age conversion chart

    I'm personally not a fan of one size fits all theories.
  3. W

    posted age vs actual age conversion chart

    There are several things I'll never understand about what's perceived as common things men prefer. Young age is one of them. I've always found older than me much sexier. I'm mid 40s now and have no interest really in under 35 for several reasons. Another thing is large breasts. I will never...
  4. W

    Would You Book a Service Provider if You Knew She Was Being Pimped?

    This whole thread was extremely enlightening and makes me evaluate my entire practice
  5. W

    Did a SP ever say something that hurt your feelings?

    The best thing a woman can do for a guy is tell him he sucks in bed....so he can make an effort to improve.
  6. W

    Ask us anything part 3

    I have.....they are super weird, but supposedly feel way better for her. I had no issues using them personally.
  7. W

    Was I wrong to be annoyed?

    If you are planning on returning, being polite is paramount no doubt. I don't see any positive outcomes in complaining and pressing issues.
  8. W

    Was I wrong to be annoyed?

    It appears this was a first time meeting, don't say anything and move on. Imo the only response worth giving in the first place was "ok"
  9. W

    Visiting Incall Apartment Buildings

    One of the biggest things for me is trying to stick to low volume providers for a lot of different reasons. Being discreet is a good enough reason, but places that have guys coming and going every 30 to 60 min aren't likely going to be a great experience either.
  10. W

    Reasons to repeat with a provider

    Almost every time I see someone new I'm hoping that they will make me want to keep coming back. It doesn't happen often unfortunately, but for me it's all about chemistry.
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