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  1. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Definition of Questioning in the dictionary the action of asking someone questions, especially in an official context. "the young lieutenant escorted us to the barracks for questioning" So it is not saying the data is false, it is how that data is used for statistical purposes. So the...
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    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Questioning data is not similar as saying they are false. In fact, you are a victim of your own theory. You distorted what I have said to fit it into the conspiracy concept. "I question those stats man... I hate conspiracy theories, but I must admit that the convenience of those stats towards...
  3. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    I dare you to find a conspiracy theory I have created. Unless for you disagreement, different opinions, questioning, critical thinking are conspiracy theories, then yes guilty as charged. Even if what you say is true, it does not dismiss the point I made. If a thief says that killing is...
  4. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    How convenient this is for the Vaccine argument. So the booster shot, by coincidence is extremely effective against the omicron variant, while the 2 prior doses are not. And now we see the focus on stating that children have COVID while they were fine before the appearance of the Vaccine for...
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    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    This is so wrong on many levels. 1-The purpose of the Vaccine is supposed to be creating an immunity toward the Virus, not stopping you from catching it. 2- All unvaxxed are not people walking around carrying the Virus. They need to have it before there are some chances of transmitting it ( most...
  6. F

    The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

    Unlike you guys, I do not pretend to know 100% what is best (the pro vaccine arrogance). What I am trying to show is that there is good reasoning behind not taking the Vaccine. I believe this is one of those situation were a hybrid solution is best, not a one way thinking. Instead, not only do...
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    The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

    How is that similar to what he said? He is talking about your right to choose, freely, without any fear of any kind of reprisal or punishment, to take the Vaccine. You compare this to an law and order issue? Traffic light has nothing to do with Personal freedom, nor does seatbelts. It is...
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    I hope this in not going to be true for long, otherwise, if people' s freedom is taken for long, then expect lots of social unrest. Taking away freedom under whatever's excuses can be tolerated for a while, push it, and people will push back.
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    Please can you be a bit more dramatic?!?! It can also cause strokes and other kind of complications If Severe, and so can any other type of flu. Sadly, complications are sometimes created by your own immunity responses to the virus. I was not even discussing the vaccine, which I believe should...
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    Clearly the "taking boosters shoot" concept failed to achieve desired results and sales, so a new "scare" is required. They are already giving dates for the vaccine against it. Pfizer said 3 months, while Modena thinks early 2022, which is also roughly the same time. Of course, governments need...
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    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Earth, I am pretty sure that is what it is called. I might be mistaken, I mean, I have no scientific proof for it, but I think it is called Earth
  12. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    I was being sarcastic there. The important part is that it does not work. Fact is the evidence. We do not need jargons and "sois disant" scientific data. The Vaccine has been around for a while now. Its impact has been tested. Vaccinated still need the same measures of protection as non...
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    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    The real problem is how can you explain to the non vaccinated that the vaccine works, while at the same time explain to the vaccinated that they need a third dose because the vaccine does not work .
  14. F


    Vaccination proche de 70 pourcent, et la situation est pire que quand il n'avait pas de vaccin?? L' Iran vacciné a 23 pourcent et les cas en chute... Si ca ne fait pas les gens gratter leur tête....
  15. F

    Taking a plunge with the TS scene

    Are you defining sex just in its basic state, where its only purpose is reproduction? Sex among people has evolved, and reproduction is maybe the lowest objective. It has become a "social construct" as it is being defined by the individuals involved. While preferences where divided between...
  16. F

    Taking a plunge with the TS scene

    That is female and male. Man and women are social gender and not biological ones. A trans women can be of a male genitalia, but be a woman in its perception of itself. Women and female are not necessarily the same. One is completely social, while the other is completely biological. The woman is...
  17. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    You serious.... This is just radical and irresponsible.. this kinda of thinking is a recipe for civil unrest or even civil wars... People need to calm the fuck down. The more time goes on, the more we are discovering how this vaccine is not such a miracle worker. Time reveals all....
  18. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Not sure where this fits... Are you attacking the non vaccinated or realizing that the vaccine sux
  19. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    It always makes me smile when someone believes he is smarter than the other, then continues by not saying or adding much. "Canadians news ever report on vaccinated in ICU? Nahhh.." These 2 points are what Bonerland citizen trying to establish. You are looking at the statistics and trying to...
  20. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Still not his point. He is showing the media coverage biasness. Everything you are stating comes from that source. By proving that the media has not been focusing on the vaccinated in the ICU, but rather only the unvaccinated, it shows how bias it is. This puts all those numbers in question...
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