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  1. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Interessant, mais rien a voir avec ce que j'ai dit. Donc un petit sommaire: - Le virus est reel, contagieux, est semble etre fatal a une minuscule minorite. - Les cas documente de gens atteint du virus ne semble ni s'arreter ou baisse malgre toutes le procedures prises (masque, distanciation...
  2. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Accepter ces statistiques est un choix que tu as fait. Moi je les mets en question. Tu est frustré parceque je ne trouves pas logique leurs arguments, donc tu veux intimider? Je suis frustré par les perroquets qui croient tout ce qui est dit sans poser de questions. Je n'ai pas besoin d'être un...
  3. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    C'est l'argument d'un ignorant qui pensent comprendre, mais echoue a demontrer ses points. Donc une attaque personel est plus facile. La verité reste la même. Vaccin ou pas, masque ou pas, le virus continue à se propager. Tu peux nous appeler ce que tu veux, nous traiter de n'importe quelle...
  4. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Donc on est a 90 % vacciné mais on doit quand même se masquer, se disbtancier, et masquer non petits enfants a l'école? C'est du GENIE ca.. ces gens la ne realisent pas que ceci va a l'envers de ce qu'il pretendent? Man.... They have a big mouth too...
  5. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Lol, donc to argument tient parceque tu l'as prouvé? Ca marche ou ca ne marche pas. C'est technique, donc c'est blanc ou noir. Les nuances de gris sont valides seulement pour les concepts abstrait de la vie, comme la justice, le bon et le mauvais, etc... C'est un virus aussi potent que le rhume...
  6. F

    The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

    Yes but they will continue with the empty argument that it is less dangerous if you are vaccinated. Which makes me wonder why do they need to be scared of it in the first place. It is only dangerous for non vaccinated, while vaccinated are safe. So just leave us in peace. It is our health and...
  7. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    On a vraiment mare de ces commentaires de bullie qui racontent n'importe quoi et impose leurs points de vue. Si toutes ces methods fonctionaient La COVID auraient déjà disparu. Mais non, toujours plus de cas même si on est déjà entre 70 et 80 pourcent vacciné. C'est du n' importe quoi ces...
  8. F

    Why do relationships/marriage turn sour?

    Lol, yes you then get married, call her yours while she calls you mine. You have only eyes for each other, fire, passion, mama mia sex, and then after 3 years.... Sex becomes a job, mechanical, a duty one might say. After 10 years you even stop taking care of yourself, because well.. what for...
  9. F

    Why do relationships/marriage turn sour?

    Definition of a roommate is a person sharing a room or a house with another. It does not necessarily involves emotional relationship. The idea is that neither sex nor possession should the basis of a relationship. You should be able to be who you want to be, otherwise, you will keep getting the...
  10. F

    Why do relationships/marriage turn sour?

    Maybe the reason it does not work is because it not a natural phenomenon. From a biological stand point, a Male needs to spread his seeds as much as possible to ensure the continuity of his lineage. The Women needs to select the best candidates to ensure the survival of the child by passing on...
  11. F

    Agency versus independent

    I do both, and i am satisfied with both. It depends on what you are looking for. In agencies you have to wait until the girl shows up on schedule, while with indies you can work out a suitable timing for both. In my opinion, if budget is not a issue, it is really about the girl. Service wise it...
  12. F

    Do you book another SP after a disappointing encounter?

    I usually do. One time i rebooked with the same sp, thinking that maybe it will be better the second time, but the result was similar. Since then, i never rebook and SP with which i have an an average or lower experience.
  13. F

    Possible curfew?

    Are you serious!!! One light away and they are not assholes?? Man its like they were setting a trap.. 12 minutes is not really late for a trip like that.. It is very hard to really get it right on time as anything can slow you down, especially if you are driving responsibly. I agree that they...
  14. F

    Possible curfew?

    So we are wearing masks, partial confinement, social distancing, and cases still on the rise.. Same story here, same story Europe. Then some people, like this guy, start bashing and blaming that it is because some people are not respecting the rules. That is BS. The truth is that it will keep...
  15. F

    Falling in love with your SP/MP

    2) She explains to me why she does this, that when she sleeps with other men there are no feelings, because she gets paid for it. When you sleep and pay an escort, are you having feelings for her? Is it better to pay for Sex or get paid for it? If a male was paid to have sex with girls...
  16. F

    Falling in love with your SP/MP

    Are you pretending that you understand love? Do you think there is only one type of profile that should be loved? Do you believe that love is only textbook love, or Disney kinda of love?? The first principle for love is not unrealistic perceptions and fake ideas. It is when certain needs or...
  17. F

    Falling in love with your SP/MP

    Why should there that limitation? If he falls in love with an SP, why shouldn't he give it a try? So what if it fails? Most relations do fail in the end. I know some people who actually ended up marrying their fav escorts. However, you need to know that what you get from her as an SP, is not...
  18. F

    What's your story for seeing an SP or being in this hobby?

    At first I was just curious to see how effortless sex tasted. Then i fell in love with how SP handles sessions. Now it is because of the diversity it offers. Having 1 or 2 FWB, and seing 2 or 3 SP per month is a step closer to full happiness:). I do repeat with the ones i find amasing, but I am...
  19. F


    Lol, spot on :). It is true, and it seems that the more complex a social milieu is, the greater role sex plays within it. However, my point was not to downgrade the sexual quality of animals. I was just trying to emphasis that Love and Sex are 2 separate things. They can coexist, but it should...
  20. F


    What should sex be for then? Duty? Torture? It is and has always been about pleasure. You can add some spin, intensify the pleasure, such as love, roles, etc... But it is fundamentally about that. We are not like animals where sex is just for reproduction. We need it, and we need it to be as...
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