Montreal Escorts

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  1. N

    Recommendations for New Foundland restaurants in downtown ?

    Hello everyone, I am looking for a good restaurant in New Foundland downtown area that serve area-specific food, even ethnic food. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
  2. N

    Escorts who look like celebrities ?

    Hello everyone, With over 3,000 escorts in Montreal, I think we need to start a thread about escorts who look like celebrities. To start, who look like Cindy Crawford ? Claudia Schieffer ? Charlize Theron ?
  3. N

    Huge influx of new agencies ? Recession in Montreal ?

    All of Montreal are into sex-industry business now ? Almost all ? Are all of Montreal going into the sex-industry trade now ? Almost all of them ? Sound like a lot of fun. When are we going to have more discount ? Why don't we all just set up tents at the park and live like in a...
  4. N

    Huge influx of new agencies ? Recession in Montreal ?

    Metaphor "recession" Of course, I know that there is no recession in Montreal. It is just a metaphor to express the sudden huge influx of SPs. Where are these SPs from ? How do you get them ? Do agency owners drug them and kidnapp them into the profession ?
  5. N

    Huge influx of new agencies ? Recession in Montreal ?

    This is Feb ? This is now Feb, almost March 2006. Nov, 2005 is ancient history, middle age in this internet age. New info needed.
  6. N

    Huge influx of new agencies ? Recession in Montreal ?

    Is it just me or did everybody notice that suddently there are at least 4 new agencies in Montreal, devilish, elegancevip, executive drive and another one that I forgot. I remember now, Is there a recession in Montreal that forced these ladies into SPs ?
  7. N

    Montreal to Halifax, by Via train or Greyhound ?

    Anybody knows what is best to travel from Montreal to Halifax ? By Via train or by Greyhound ? Any preferences ?
  8. N

    Elegancevip, devilsihescorts vs IN ? Who is going to win ?

    IN is a pain to book their ladies. Have to show ID and so on. Other new agencies like elegance VIP and devilish escorts is just plain simple. Who is going to book IN ? How much longer IN can last before IN just have to go bankrupt ? Where is IN business sense ?
  9. N

    What will the US dollar do under the Conservatives ? Up ? Down ?

    What do you think the US dollar will do under PM Harper ? Up ? Down ? I think it is going to go up since PM Harper will cut the GST tax, creating deficit in the Canadian econmy, theryby raising US dollar. It is going to be cheaper to hobby in the coming year.
  10. N

    Best places to watch Super Bowl on Sunday Feb. 5, 06 ?

    Where do you go to watch Superbowl football on Sunday Feb 5 ? I mean at least HDTV quality, food and drinks ?
  11. N

    New acronym, ymwbto vs ymmv ?

    Ladies and gentlemen, I know that ymmv, since SPs are not robots. However, from my own experience, ymmv turned into ymwbto (your mileage will be the opposite), if you will. All the posted best SPs here are generally my worst experiences. All the worst SPs posted here are my best...
  12. N

    Hotel with refrigerator and microwave ?

    Anybody knows of a hotel in downtown Montreal that offers room with a refrigerator, a microwave oven and a complimentary breakfast ? I know of only one : Holiday Inn Express. Is there any other ?
  13. N

    REcommendation for restaurants in China town and price range.

    Anybody has any recommendations for restaurants in China town and what is the price range for lunch and dinner. I haerd about pnom penh soup. Is it any good ? Should I try it ?
  14. N

    Interracial couples in China town ?

    Is interracial sex any different ? Anybody out there has any experience with interracial sex ? Is it vastly different from same race sex ? Please shed light on this taboo subject ? Do Quebecois girls likes interracial sex more than others ?
  15. N

    Interracial couples in China town ?

    Hi everybody. Happy New Year to all. Anybody been to China town recently ? I was there recently and was shocked at the number of interracial couples in restaurants. Boy, there are millions of French Quebecois girls who ate noodle soups with chopsticks with their Asian boyfriends...
  16. N

    Are Montreal operations back in operation yet after the conference and the storm ?

    In ? Would Montreal airport and roads be crowded when IN is back in operations ? Hopefully next week when I will be travelling ?
  17. N

    Are Montreal operations back in operation yet after the conference and the storm ?

    Taking appointments ? Are agencies taking appointments now ? Which ones are up ? still down ?
  18. N

    Are Montreal operations back in operation yet after the conference and the storm ?

    Hello, Montreal was just hit by a tsunami and hurricane combined, the UN conference and the 41 cm snow storm. Are the agencies back in operation yet ? Both agency owners and hobbyists alike, please report here for everybody benefits.
  19. N

    Grey cup: cheers to Montreal, down with Toronto!!

    Toronto gun violence. When I was in Toronto a few weeks ago, there are gun violence all over town. 26 in one week end. I thought it was Paris suburbs riot all over again. The city is dirty and beggars all over the place. Any gun violence in Montreal ?
  20. N

    Grey cup: cheers to Montreal, down with Toronto!!

    Torontonians stink!!!! Some SPs told me that the Torontonians stink. Why don`t all the SPs quit giving them extras, don`t travel to Toronto, etc... to teach them a lesson or two. Somebody need to speak out sometimes against the bad-attitude Torontonians. Don`t you all agree ? If you...
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