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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    Tsk tsk. You should get a slap on the wrist for that! ;) With the inevitable decline of the capitalism, we need more than ever to stick together as fellow human beings if we want to retain a certain life quality (not sure that's how you say "qualité de vie"!).
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    Peut-être mais il ne faut pas jeter le bébé avec l'eau du bain. ;) Instead of stopping these missions, we should look into ways of making them more efficient.
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    protagoras, well, I am no better since I jumped to the conclusion that there was such a thing as the "osaka agreement"! :p JustBob, don't you think that a gouvernment's laws and policies are often a reflection of the population? And if that's the case, doesn't it make sense to be proud of the...
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    For a minute there, I thought you meant Kyoto. Because Harper did also harm our reputation (again!) with his lack of commitment towards the Kyoto protocol. I googled "Osaka agreement" but did not find much. What is it about? I confess : I do not always follow the news as much as I should. :o
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    Absolutely, it is something to be proud of. Unfortunately, it seems Canada is losing ground in that matter. I was just watching a conference with Jean-François Lépine and he was explaning how Harper is concentrating on offensive missions instead of peace keeping missions (he gave statistics...
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    Asking an escort to go out?

    I don't think you were clumsy at all. But maybe you are not 100% honest with yourself about your feelings. Just a thought. :)
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    Lucky69 - Commiting suicide soon

    I agree with you. Deleting this thread is not the solution. Anyway, based on his track record, he will probably delete it himself. And if my interpretation of the situation is right, I think it could be a good wake up call for him to read this once he has sobered up...
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    Lucky69 - Commiting suicide soon

    Mike, what you need to understand is that most people who comit suicide have deep psychological issues and mental health problems. You should not judge them the way you do. As for Lucky's post, I am afraid it is not meant as a "joke". I have read several posts from him (he deleted some since...
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    Talking about *dirty* language

    So very true! ;)
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    I said from the start that I do not consider myself to be a patriot, nor do I wish to become one.
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    Asking an escort to go out?

    My pleasure. :) You sound very sweet. I think you deserve to be in a healthy relationship. Unfortunately, I believe it is very difficult to develop such a thing with an escort because of her involvement with many other men. I know some ladies may be offended by this but that is my opinion...
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    hihi... That's not what I meant either. ;) I was refering to the specific context of the Plateau. As I said, most people there are souverainists, which means most of them are proud Québécois rather than being proud Canadians. See the nuance? Almost all the souverainists I know could not care...
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    You did not understand what I meant. :) He has the right to live where ever he chooses to!! What I was trying to say is that if it is that important for him to be amongst proud Canadians, he has picked the wrong area. If, for example, I want to be surrounded by French people (which, for the...
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    I knew I was forgetting something! :D
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    I am not sure what is your point and honestly, I find your tone annoying. Did I say somewhere that I am a model citizen? I think not. I do my best but I am certainly not perfect. And you know what? I doubt very much that you are, so please keep your useless irony to yourself. ;) P.-S. By the...
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    My dear Martin, there are many ways to repay the community. ;) One of them is volunteer work. I think it is a very constructive and concrete way to make our society better. If everyone would do it, I don't think we would have to give as much money to our government.
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    Asking an escort to go out?

    happyguy, I cannot speak for other ladies but I personally much prefer to keep my professional life and personal life apart. I could be wrong but I am under the impression I am not part of the minority by acting this way. There are many reasons why I took that decision but here are a few...
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    Well thank you! I am glad you appreciate the view. ;) Very good point! I had not thought about it but now that you say it, it makes sense. I enjoy many aspects of the buddhist philosophy and one of them says that all human beings are connected because there are some things everyone has in...
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    A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

    I'll take that as a compliment, Mr. Igna69. ;)
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    Talking about *dirty* language

    protagoras, I would have been too!! :eek: There are many dirty words in French that are not sexy at all. I can't say the same for English. jeff, I know you're joking but seriously, you never know! :p
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