Montreal Escorts

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  1. M

    Are You a Sex Addict or an Explorer in the Sex Industry?

    Go look at my post and it's a very similar story to what you're describing here. My foray into my sexuality, barring the odd girlfriend, was a group of girls in the field and women on FL which I learned about from some woman I met traveling. I think you hit the nail on the head when it comes...
  2. M

    Are You a Sex Addict or an Explorer in the Sex Industry?

    This might be too personal but do you think there are real feelings involved with the one you see 90% of the time? I wouldn’t dream of thinking I know you or anything but isn’t there a possibility that she could become a genuine friend even after you stop indulging in the hobby or is it a...
  3. M

    Are You a Sex Addict or an Explorer in the Sex Industry?

    I only got into this hobby because I randomly befriended a group of girls who were in the trade at a friend’s party in late 2020, before COVID (I only was told months after by one of them after I had started dating another one a couple month’s later), and this question is something I ponder to...
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