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  1. funnyricky


    Je me pose de sérieuse question sur le bon''fondement'' de vouloir cacher l'âge véritable des ''SP'',si ce n'est que vouloir tromper les clients qui veulent voir une gente''plus jeune''! Un bon service reste un bon service,alors si la demoiselle offre un excellent service,qu'elle est 28 ou...
  2. funnyricky

    Do you like GREEK and why?

    ou bien toi qui accepte aussi tout ça :p;)
  3. funnyricky

    Being a masseuse: easy money?

    I don't even know why this kind of thread was start....its was sure that with this kind of topic,we are going right crashing to the wall........with out going no where Lollllll! What was the initial goal of this topic???? don't know Lollllll
  4. funnyricky

    Being a masseuse: easy money?

    Hi rosedelacourt,with everything you just describe as being the tough side of the job(and i belive you of course,Me i never said its was easy,but for sure good money)i wonder what ( Massaging girl) they are doing in this business?i mean,if its that scary,like you describing,i would run away,find...
  5. funnyricky

    Being a masseuse: easy money?

    Well,its funny cause every independant masseuse i see,they make aroud 4-5 customer per days,at around 150$ each....5-6 days a week.....well its more than 750$ a week for sure...of course in massage parlour,youworking for the boss so.....yess they make less
  6. funnyricky


    there some SP that you can book,and if you ask them to blow you the entire hours,they will! Some of them just love it....but not for free for sure Lolllll
  7. funnyricky

    Zone Rouge

    bonne nouvelle Lolllll
  8. funnyricky

    Do SPs prefer older clients

    Lollll older client don't play the game! they dont have time to chill around with SP,they have to chill around with their wife :p:D:D
  9. funnyricky

    Do SPs prefer older clients

    You got the real answer...even if some SP say the opposite...i saw some SP that advertise here and they say the samething! physically easier with older dude! More talking,more cuddling....But there some SP that they like non stop action too....they want it badly! To each is own i guess! I guess...
  10. funnyricky

    Do you like GREEK and why?

    oui mais parfois il n'y a pas que son plaisir qui compte! sa partenaire également.......
  11. funnyricky

    Who has the best selfie and general discussion of selfie thread

    Katrina,si tu lis ce post,serait le fun de voir tes belle grande jambe et sexy fesse en selfie! ;)pour le plaisir de la gente peut être féminine aussi! Elle est d'une beauté incroyable! In and out! sculpté parfaitement au couteau
  12. funnyricky

    Do you like GREEK and why?

    Julia,crois tu que toutes les SP d'agence ou Indy,se prépare d'avance pour voir si le client va prendre l'option ''Greek''? Je ne crois pas vraiment,mais par contre je sais que quelques Indy,qui l'offre en option,demande d'avance si nous serons intéressé de passer par la ''grèce''! Mais...
  13. funnyricky

    Parlour prices

    its not good anywhere....lets see the girl dont feel to give a good service that day??me i will never pay upfront! Asian parlor tend to try doing this practice!
  14. funnyricky

    Do you like "the pornstar look" and why?

    ah ok good!
  15. funnyricky

    Do you like "the pornstar look" and why?

    sene5hos.theyre's two different thing....pornstar service and pornstar the title of your thread you ask if we like ''pornstar look''.......not the a bit lost here lollllll
  16. funnyricky

    Do you like "the pornstar look" and why?

    Ouinnnn donc non pour moi Lollllll....mais si jamais j'en vois une! des filles avec des lèvres pulpeuses,avec des belles fesses bombées,et des seins parfaits,qui sont bien ferme et droit...ça doit bien exister Lollll
  17. funnyricky

    Do you like "the pornstar look" and why?

    Mais j'avoue que sans toute ces cochonneries,on appelle pu ça un ''pornstar look'' Lollll
  18. funnyricky

    Do you like "the pornstar look" and why?

    Une SP qui a des seins naturel,pas de lèvre gonflé à hélium,pas de bottox dans les fesses....etc..... tout au naturel,mais qui a l'air d'une fille remonté....
  19. funnyricky

    Do you like "the pornstar look" and why?

    If its a natural pornstar look....perfect i will like it! But if its a''pimpy'' look...well not at all!
  20. funnyricky

    I wonder if this crisi will bring back the street scene, and/or part timers.

    Of course its was an exception! Lolllll
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