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  1. O

    Secret to inner peace.

    The more recent threads as they appeared on my screen: - What is your most anticipated movie?You just can't wait to see it? - Where to get a well tailored suit? - Secret to inner peace. Merb is the answer...
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    Paris Review Board Or Suggestions

    France review board To whom it may concern: youppie have closed their France section for legal reasons, triggering the opening of which so far focusses a lot on visiting Russian agencies.
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    This is what an FKK is:

    About FKK visibility and the new law, my understanding is that legalization of prostitution in Germany was a well thought out and discussed decision, because many people were convinced that it would globally improve the situation (vs. driving it underground, for the saftey and well-being of...
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    In a serious relationship / good marriage and seeing SP's.

    As a bicycle rider, I take offence at that comment!
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    Inbox full ;-)

    Inbox full ;-)
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    Robot lawyers..

    Won't have to: the jury will consist of other robots ;-) Which actually leads to an interesting philosophical point: the idea of the jury is to make justice acceptable because in the end, it's people like you and me making the decision. Would we accept a decision given by machines, even though...
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    Mojo keeping there promise and my goodbye to you fellas

    Halloween, profite bien de la vie hors du "hobby"... le printemps est toujours un bon moment pour changer les choses et essayer de nouvelles expériences!
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    iPhone GPS positionning and cheating on your Significant Other

    "Saving the battery" could be a legit reason for that. But then to appear consistent you'd want to keep it off most of the time, not just when you're out "hunting"...
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    The tax system simplified................

    And how did the rich guy get rich?
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    Election day People want change, but really they don't...
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    502 Bad gateway

    I've had that message before, and clearing the merb-related cookie fixed the issue. FWIW
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    A bloody summer at Blvd. St. Laurent/Ave. des Pins

    However, it looks like in each occurence the victims were part of groups who fought, not innocent bystanders who don't want to be involved. So I'd say the place is quite safe (in terms of stabbings... you still have to watch out for drunk drivers!)
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    Airlines from Montreal to Europe

    I know what I'd do if in FRA for a few hours...
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    European country with most liberal attitudes towards sex

    Brits after a few drinks? At least from my experiences with foreign students...
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    To the johns: what is the most sex partners you've had in one day?

    That'd be 4 over 2 FKK, but only 3 pops.
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    Washing your hands after going to the toilet.

    Does anybody actually has stats on what you can catch from touching the door handle or shaking hands? Not in terms of scary but meaningless bacteria count, but in terms of actual diseases?
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    Asian incalls busted - MAE, MtlTopEscorts & others --

    I also heard that on the radio, and all the info seemed to come from the official announcements, which typically paint a dirtier picture. So I'd tend to think that at least some of the girls indeed knew they were coming for sex work, but may have been deceived about the conditions (which could...
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    SP's aversion to lube / utilisation du lubrifiant

    Perceived as not GFE?
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    Need a job? Berlin's looking for a 'Brothel Tester'

    Not unlike a restaurant critic who eats for free.
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    Sharing tricks to captivate the ladies so they don't watch tv?

    Just put some porn on the TV! Then if she watches she can at least learn one trick or two! (which channel at the Chablis again? 58? 68?)
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