Montreal Escorts

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  1. 1

    Is getting a Viagra prescription from my doctor easy?

    My own personal opinion; don't fool around with viagra unless you need it. I wouldn't use it just to make hobbying more "successfull"....but hey, that's just me! I perfer to practice controling mr.big
  2. 1

    Craig's list under fire

    For all those interested, on CJAD 800 between 2pm and 4pm today they will be discussing the RCMP's crackdown on Craigslist. Should be interesting. If you miss it you could probably find it on their archives...
  3. 1

    Gfe girls that do tricks not to kiss?

    I kiss my wife and she sucks my cock all the time....and probably others too..:)
  4. 1

    Has this happened to you?

    Your second CL link has a review done by ricky under Anais CL B&S... 69
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