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  1. C


    That made me laugh on this cloudy morning! But, there is some truth to what CS says, believe that Earth/ecosystems of all types have a way of finding balance.
  2. C

    First things you’ll do when the pandemic is over

    Oh, heard someone say there are still lines / line ups at the grocery stores in Montreal...during the past week at least in the US the lines are almost non existent and stores are stocked well. May of the stores are limited the number allowed to enter, are sanitizing carts/baskets, and have...
  3. C

    First things you’ll do when the pandemic is over

    I would go stir crazy without a work out several times a week. I have a nice home gym and could not imagine being without it especially being kept homebound. I think the first thing I am going to do is reconnect with friends face to face over a few bourbons.
  4. C


    Fauci has also recently said that there is a possibility of a resurgence of the virus in late fall...pending on what we do NOW and what we LEARN we could drastically reduce the severity of such a reocurence...scary.
  5. C

    Which grill do you use?

    Thanks...good tip...will try it.
  6. C

    Which grill do you use?

    Hungry...what does the Corn Starch and Ice Cub do...am intrigued?
  7. C

    What's The Worst Emergency Situation You Can Have During Covid-19 Crisis??

    Sorry to hear about the tooth...make sure the Dentist has plenty of laughing gas. Regarding worst case...having to go to the hospital in this environment especially if you need higher level care in any type of ICU facility...doctors and staff all fatigued, COVID likely rampant, and rooms and...
  8. C


    It will most likely be the Pharmaceutical industry and their lobbyists that decide...rest assured profits will be involved.
  9. C

    NetFlix most is garbage but there is some good movies and series.here is some

    Insane does not adequately describe that movie...twisted and plain crazy!!!
  10. C


    Local foods banks are great but also Churches as they have a network of people who are/know elderly or at risk people who need help especially at this time. I have been doing this for the past two weeks...picking up (from food banks or grocery stores) and delivering food to those people...
  11. C


    Thor...may be for legal reasons they need you to be an employee as you will be delivering on their behalf, especially so perhaps since they are not a not for profit entity that could otherwise have volunteers / unpaid help. BTW, my "law degree" comes from watching TV...;).
  12. C

    Reduced Hours Grocery Stores

    Stores in US have curtailed hours - reason is so they can restock and sanitize. Lines are generally back to normal and most items are in stock - no real shortages other than TP - several stores have them by the checkout counters and limited to one pack p/person.
  13. C

    Famous people or celebs you would like to have sex with

    Oh yes on Margot Robbie, and Gal Gadot...dressed in a Wonder Woman, or not, either way...;)
  14. C


    Here is my view and forgive the absence of political correctness: (i) China is not a friend or ally; (ii) Most/all of the serious viruses came out of China (wet markets, whatever); (iii) China cannot be trusted - they control the State media and all data/communications in/out of the country...
  15. C

    NetFlix most is garbage but there is some good movies and series.here is some

    "shock of watching The Platform"...haha...crazy flick wasn't it???
  16. C

    NetFlix most is garbage but there is some good movies and series.here is some

    Definitely not kid friendly...mmmm, may be watch again with subtitles...the movie has got to be symbolic or an allegory for something as don't think you can take it at face value...something deeper...damn, I hate ;) movies like this where you have to think ;)...
  17. C

    About rent, questions for the owners/landlords or lawyers

    With the Covid causing economic hardship for so many along with many financial aid programs (rent, payroll, etc..), I fear many people are going to abuse the system...stay home vs working and collect unemployment, or not pay rent...abuse galore.
  18. C

    NetFlix most is garbage but there is some good movies and series.here is some

    Another one that sounds so incredibly bizarre but for some reason engaging....Tiger King.
  19. C

    About rent, questions for the owners/landlords or lawyers

    EagerBeaver knows of what he speaks!!!
  20. C

    NetFlix most is garbage but there is some good movies and series.here is some

    Definetely +1 on Ozarks, also another series worth watching is The Boys which is about superheroes that are beyond messed up, and another The Umbrella Academy.
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