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  1. C

    About rent, questions for the owners/landlords or lawyers

    You actually cannot just throw tenants out in the US for non payment of is actually a long and expensive legal the end the laws are more tenant vs landlord friendly in the US.
  2. C

    NetFlix most is garbage but there is some good movies and is some

    Go see The Platform on Netflix...not quite sure what to make of it, but my head is still spinning.
  3. C

    First things you’ll do when the pandemic is over

    Go to my favorite pizza place...order two large slices and an ice cold beer...
  4. C


    Gaby -- you're right. I think the DOW might drop below 18,000 before it can attain sustained increases again. A global recession is inevitable in the coming weeks. [/COLOR] Recession at this point is inevitable with the economic impact the virus has already had and going to this...
  5. C


    Agree...perplexing that one of the wealthiest nations (US) lags so far is pathetic...simply not prepared and we had time to be!!!
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    Markets getting destroyed in the US...Dow is down around 2,700 (Dow) in the US...Trump announces the current situation could continue to be bad until August!!! Governors across the US have called for mandatory closures of venues and gatherings...will be a massive hit to the retail industries...
  7. C

    If you won Friday's Lotto Max, What would you do with the money?

    Invest all of it, donate my life to charity, use all of the financial returns to fund a charitable donation focused on child hunger and elder old Irish proverb goes something like "...there are no pockets in your burial cloak..."
  8. C

    What is the best recent movie you’ve seen.

    I got goosebumps on the back of my neck watching that trailer!!!
  9. C

    Punter's Paradox

    Very thoughtful and deep question/topic...I would categorize myself as being very similiar to you. I keep my sexuality totally separate and private...I do get those looks and stares from other ladies in the real world, but I keep to myself and move on.
  10. C

    What is the best recent movie you’ve seen.

    Sometimes those low budget movies wind up being the biggest hits...focus on the story vs special FX.
  11. C

    What is the best recent movie you’ve seen.

    The Irishman on Netflix....long movie but incredibly well done. I also did not care for Parasite and truly boggles my mind on how that won. 1917 was wonderful as well, but IMHO no film can come close to Saving Private Ryan in terms of capturing the grit of combat during the WWs. The Pacific...
  12. C

    Trumped 202

    Was going to add more to this but Passionne beat me to it albeit likely way more eloquently.
  13. C

    Trumped 202

    Exactly my this the type of person we want as out Chief...for me, NO!
  14. C

    Trumped 202

    Going to chime in here...yes (we) the American voters cast our ballot and elected Trump who was deemed to be the outsider and capable of bringing change to the country, however, I fear we have elected a person who is frankly a bully, liar, glory seeker, and lacks decency...good luck to us all.
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    Trumped 202

    That's funny!
  16. C

    Trumped 202

    He did not do any favors to his cratering campaign at the charity event last was supposed to be a charity event where yes, candidates do roast each other but Trump went over the be balanced, Clinton did as well but not nearly to the degree that Trump did.
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    Trumped 202

    Chris Wallace did an exceptional job handling both personalities and asking poignant questions of both candidates...he was fair and balanced. Trump did well early but, actually very well in going after Hillary, but like the other debates he just fell apart...imagine how he would behave when...
  18. C

    The Official MERB Best Agency of the Year 2015 Poll

    Congrats James and absolutely well deserved.
  19. C

    Your tdl before new-year.

    1210 is odd name for an indy ;)....she some type of assembly line cyborg with that serial number?
  20. C

    Who is the sexiest hairdresser in Montreal

    mmmm...will need a hair cut when am back in Montreal ;).
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