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  1. Q

    Canada By-Election and the Downfall of the Trudeau Liberals

    Look at Trudeau with Macron: both narcissists, both hated by their people, and they don't care. It is beneath them. They are Princes, it took me some time to understand how toxic they are. Now for the Bloc, I bet Y-F Blanchet called Gilles Duceppe (The 'boss') for advice and he would do anything...
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    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    finalement tu es pour ou contre Poilievre? moi je le vois evoluer comme leader. Les gens du Bloc veulent leur pension comme Gilles Duceppe l' a eu. Alors comment voter utile pour deloger Trudeau? je suis dans la circonscription de Marc Miller, qui a quitte son travail d avocat dans un des plus...
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    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Poilievre repond aux questions biaisees des journalistes, en faisant apparaitre leurs contradictions et leur manque de preparation. "on dit que vous etes d extreme droite', "les gens ont peur de vous" etc... C'est clair que cbc , radio-canada etc...ont recu des milliards du gvt Trudeau et ils ne...
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    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Je trouve que Poilievre a ete tres patient jusqu ici, avec un PM et vice PM qui n essayent meme pas de traiter le sujet de la question. Au Quebec il y une haine viscérale pour les conservateurs, peut etre parce que Harper et Poilievre ne sont pas d 'origine quebecoise. Mais les PMs les plus...
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    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    And how about Greg Fergus? He lost all credibility as the speaker of the house, totally insecure and biased. I voted liberal all this time because as an immigrant it was the natural thing to do, and always had to live hostility from Separatists at school and at the Job. And I thought...
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    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Did you see the actual session ? Poilievre was asking about the request of the BC PM who wants Trudeau to stop the legalization of hard drugs in his province. As a result hundreds of people have died. On 3 occasions Trudeau did not answer the question at all and insulted Poilievre and suggested...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    Yes, there is a shortage of workers depending on the industry and experience, but it doesn't justify letting millions of people come in,. And there is little selection, many (most) of the newcomers don't speak proper English or French and don't have the qualifications that are required by the...
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    going back to antisemitism, now the university campuses have tents of antisemitic protestors (f. ex Mc Gill). And it will be ok, like Adil Charkaoui attacks on Israel in Place des Arts in front of thousands. it became the new normal,.
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    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    C'est cela, on va penser aux ours polaires pendant que Trudeau nous a appauvri comme personne d' autre avant. Des millions de gens arrivent regulierement au pays et on sent la pression sur l'emploi, les loyers, les prix des maisons, disponibilite des ecoles, medecins etc...Il y a peril en...
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    It's funny to see actual religious Palestinians reaction to 'activists' joining the demonstrations with banners like "Queers for Palestine' or "Trans for Palestine'. We see things that just don't make sense these days.
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    if I am not mistaken P E Trudeau made everything he could to derail Mulroney's attempts to solve the constitutional crisis, a crisis he generated in 1982-1983.
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    When Mulroney left office in 1992, he went down as the most unwanted, disliked, corrupted PM in Canadian history.. The old Conservative Party disappeared in the following election. Now that he passed, everyone salutes his 'leadership' and 'integrity'.....
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    The guy announced 2.4 billions for Artificial Intelligence, 50 millions of the total (a meager 2%) is for workers who will lose their job with these technologies. Can you imagine the level of corruption in these last minute programs, throwing our money like a clown throwing confetti in a...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    For the record, international students (I was one 20+ years ago) could NOT work outside the university campus and you had to prove you could afford your stay in Canada, and pay for your expenses. This was carefully analyzed. Trudeau removed these conditions, because 'there is a shortage of...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    Yes, such a narcissist. As such, he thinks Canadians are ungrateful and ignorant, and he needs to continue his mission . In many countries people are alarmed if the president is re elected after 4 or 5 years. Here this guy has been in power for 9 years ! and he still wants more.
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    Is “this” for rich people only?

    yes, but he has to pay his groceries, car, maintenance of the house, renovations etc.. all going up dramatically. Unless you own a business that is going well (real estate, construction,...) , this is now out of reach for most guys living on a salary.
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    Thanks for your answer, yes, this is not 'incompetence', it was planned and executed even if they knew the social impact. Who will be the voice of the working class on this tragedy? Yagmeet Singh? :rolleyes: There is another monetary issue: if we are no longer a Nation, no national preference...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    This is not what the Century Initiative influential lobby (including McKinsey people etc..) claims. Their objective:: "We advocate for policies and programs that would increase Canada’s population to 100 million by 2100. Growing our population to 100 million by 2100 would reduce the burden on...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    you're right. With the very expensive rent I have to pay, I no longer afford this hobby :mad:
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    Justin , like Jagmeet, are the typical politicians, not that different from the crooks of the past (Brian who ?), but with a 'progressist" branding. They want to be reelected and get their pension. If they have to bring 2 million people per year they will do it and cancel anybody who would be...
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