Montreal Escorts

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  1. D

    Spinner vs Petite

    A spinner used to be described as a skinny girl who could squat on your cock and spin 360 degrees without getting off, in all my years I have only met 2 girls who were lithe enough to be able to accomplish this and boy was it fun ;)
  2. D

    GFE,is it essential for you to get with an SP ?

    GFE means Girl Friend Experience otherwise I wouldn't spend the cash and I'd stay home and masturbate ! For me if I communicate with an agency or an SP and the service offered is NOT GFE I won't see this SP.
  3. D

    Where do you buy your croissants from in montreal?

    Boulangerie Chez Fred , Sherbrooke St near Decarie
  4. D

    What's your favorite 2 steamies and a frite place?

    In Montreal it has to be the Pool Room but I rarely venture downtown anymore. The best hot dogs I've ever had are Nathan's cony island dogs. Whenever I'm in the US I find a store and buy 5 dozen hot dogs and have them at home, they are great.
  5. D

    A survival guide for a beginner.

    I'd say if this is the first time you're venturing into this hobby there will be a lot of trepidation, I would recommend that you book with someone well reviewed, Katrinia Vianna comes to mind, check in the independent escorts section here. The board supporters are well reviewed and post real...
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    How to spot a fake ads and much more

    I hate to say this but for anyone that has been hobbying for a while none of your info is news this has all been covered in many threads many times. Most of these warnings are pretty obvious even to a newbie, best to stick with the agencies or the independents who are supporters of this board...
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    Craziest thing you’ve done for a SP!

    I met an MP in a salon and we hit it off so well she started seeing me on the side at motels for FS. It went from there to dinner date followed by motel and FS and eventually she started seeing me on dates only and we would come to my place. She ended up leaving the business and moved in with me...
  8. D

    Independent vs agencies in Montreal?

    There can be some real hidden gems in the world of Independents if you mean scouring the ads on the various pages ( annonces 123 or Leolist ) but you have to be careful, be prepared to walk away and recognize a dangerous situation before entering a building. But as I said, you can find some real...
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    FTX Crypto Debacle: 1 to 2 Billon Dollars in Crypto Customer Funds Missing

    I have been an investment advisor for over 30 years and have not placed a dime of my clients monies into crypto ! It is in my opinion an asset class that will have merit at some point in the future but the uncertainty is just something I wouldn't want my clients worrying about. There are so many...
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    Eugenie Bouchard

    When Genie almost won Wimbledon she became a celebrity and as such was sought out for modelling gigs, that spelled the end of her career as a tennis pro. She slowly slipped into tennis obscurity and became an Instagram influencer. No doubt she is a beautiful young woman but it was her tennis...
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    GFE or PSE

    I've been with many who offer GFE and the session turns into a PSE simply because we are on the same page. You never know what will happen. When I first started in this Hobby we referred to YMMV more often than I see it today. I find that if you treat someone with tenderness and respect to begin...
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    iPhone 14- Anyone Buy One Yet?

    I have a 13 Pro and will keep it for a few more years, probably until there is a 16
  13. D

    Do you like Tattoos?

    I also have my own so yes, love em and they look beautiful on a woman
  14. D

    Where do you buy your croissants from in montreal?

    Chez Fred, Sherbrooke and Decarie
  15. D

    Go Habs Go!

    Does anyone really care if he plays this year ? They were never favoured to even make the playoffs so let's see the kids play and let management plan for the future. I for one am more excited to see how the youth will develop. Price's salary and Monahan's will be covered by insurance since they...
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    Go Habs Go!

    He's on Long Term Disability LTIR and won't play this year. His contract is finished at the end of the year so bye The key in the deal was the first round draft pick
  17. D

    The crypto currency thread

    Yeah, you need to know what you're doing : Bitcoin alone is down (48.2%) this year alone and (46.93%) over the past year. Patience being the key to success in any investment not many would swallow a loss like that and remain invested.
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    How much do you spend on hobby every year?

    One of the benefits over the past 2 years is that I have saved a fortune NOT seeing escorts as often. My schedule used to be 2-3 times a week with an average expense of $200.
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    Rogers Outage Again

    As Canadians we pay the most outrageous fees for cellular service and have the poorest service. I too am with Rogers and after the problem this time I am DEFINATELY changing providers. Unfortunately even this won't guarantee service reliability and definitely won't offer the best price available...
  20. D

    Rogers Outage Again

    And I'm a Rogers client, not happy
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