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  1. D

    Do you book another SP after a disappointing encounter?

    Guilty as well, my bad. I don't just head out and find another, I should have added that it's really rare for me even before Covid to go looking for new SP's to see so the chances of a bad encounter are long gone.
  2. D

    Do you book another SP after a disappointing encounter?

    If you went to a restaurant and the food was awful would you return ? This is a business for them and if they are not able to perform and give quality service, No I would not repeat. I have spoken to SP's who have told me that they are less than enthused when meeting a client who has body odour...
  3. D

    First SP you ever met?

    Prior to MERB there was "Robins spreadsheet" and many of the members here might remember it. There were no pictures just stats on the SP sent to Robin and compiled into a spreadsheet with the girls vitals and a phone number. I went through this many times before selecting a gal who received on...
  4. D

    Possible curfew?

    When people in this province ( other provinces as well ) start behaving responsibly with regard to social distancing, wearing a mask and refraining from gathering ( 50% got together with friends and /or family over the holiday period ) then there will be no need for curfews or restrictions. I...
  5. D

    making/losing money in the stock market

    I was going to say "Don't believe everything that Kevin O'Leary says " but I think more like "Don't believe ANYTHING Kevin O'Leary says " One last thing, "Never gamble with your savings !"
  6. D

    making/losing money in the stock market

    If you want to do a poll on market returns post reasonable rates of return and losses . Sol Tee Nutz made a great buy with P & G and has left it alone to return growth and dividends, this is how you make money in the stock market, patience and time
  7. D

    Hi, love your pics and wonder if you have a webpage ?

    Hi, love your pics and wonder if you have a webpage ?
  8. D

    Who’s got the best coffee?

    For value.........McDonalds lol
  9. D

    Enhanced or not?

    Guys, lets not forget what a ball sack looks like, saggy and wrinkled ! The human body comes in many different shapes and we are now a society that wants perfection. Enhanced boobs, lips, cheeks. ass doesn't equate perfection. They also have zero to do with sexuality, that comes from the area...
  10. D

    Am I the only one strongly disliking the collagen lips?

    Yes but as I said "Natural " huge difference
  11. D

    Am I the only one strongly disliking the collagen lips?

    Not just fake lips. I'm not a fan of fake tits, lashes, lips you name it if it isn't natural I'm not a fan
  12. D

    Cancelling Appointment

    IMHO, you get there and it's not the girl, turn around and walk away. If I went to a restaurant and ordered a steak and the served my corn flakes I wouldn't eat the corn flakes and pay for the steak ! You guys are the clients. I have walked away when it's not the advertised girl. Once I even...
  13. D

    First things you’ll do when the pandemic is over

    I haven't had a nice meal in a restaurant since March 12, 2020 and would really love to do that. Some of the simple things are the things I miss the most . Gatherings with friends and family. Thanksgiving this year for our family has been cancelled.......makes me sad .
  14. D

    Indies vs agencies girls, the discussion not discuss prices.

    IMHO agency girls tend to be more reliable and if they have a website the pictures tend to be real. The exception is INDY companions where the women are awesome and have their own sites with their own pics and they are real. INDY girls advertising on 123, intime, humpchies etc tend to be...
  15. D

    Always available ladies

    Some girls insert a makeup sponge during their period and continue to work it will absorb the flow of blood during relations with a client . Others like Julia Sky will just continue to advertise since it's costing them $$$ to have the space but won't be seeing clients .
  16. D

    Percentage of men who have paid for sex?

    One way or another , we all pay for sex
  17. D


    They want you to follow them on Snapchat and then pay for their premium.........most give zero content after you send any money.
  18. D

    How to quit the Hobby/Addiction?

    I should add that I haven't seen anyone, in or out of the hobby since the end of February so it's possible to stop given the right motivation.
  19. D

    How to quit the Hobby/Addiction?

    For me it's not an addiction it's a way to see and have sex with people I want to fuck and not have the trappings of a relationship. I was married and still have a terrible taste in my mouth from that and a bad relationship after my divorce. I would love to have a relationship where she only...
  20. D

    Independent vs agencies in Montreal?

    Advantage of an agency : When you call and find out who's working and when they are available, they will be there and for the most part, as described. Independent : Booking someone from an ad you saw on one of the sites raises a number of problems, she may not respect the appointment, she may...
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