Montreal Escorts

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  1. GreyPilgrim

    Great piece from Régis Lebeaume

    What strikes me as the most interesting aspect of this particular piece is the self-derision. It doesn‘t sound like Régis is trying to convince anyone to adopt any particular position about the issues surrounding immigration. He’s really just reflecting on his recent experiences with immigrants...
  2. GreyPilgrim

    The meaning of "No"

    I was told by 2 separate providers from 2 separate major agencies that they have been booked by black dudes looking to recruit them. Like… insistently attempt to recruit them. On one occasion, the john even had buddies waiting in the parking. Does that justify flat out refusing to be booked by...
  3. GreyPilgrim

    How to introduce yourself like a pro

    Is this the part where writing an actual email with complete sentences "like a legit boomer" finally starts paying off?!? :cool:
  4. GreyPilgrim

    The Power of Reviews

    I’d say no single review has enough leverage to sway my opinion all by itself. So much can make or break a session that will never be disclosed that I tend to take everything I read with a big ol’ grain of salt. The stats and pictures pique my interest first. Then I’ll read the whole review...
  5. GreyPilgrim

    Merb’s reputation amongst SPs

    Careful. If the behavior you observe strictly manifests in a few of the loudest specimen but you choose to generalize their attitude to the rest anyway… you’re being a sensationalist hypocrite. But then, if you observe the same behavior in the vast majority of specimen and still choose to...
  6. GreyPilgrim

    Merb’s reputation amongst SPs

    I’m right there with you: it’s a pretty slippery slope from "Please edit your post to a more respectful tone" to "My account just got banned because my lukewarm review apparently offended someone!!!". Not to mention, anyone with a VPN will probably laugh off any ban and create a new account in...
  7. GreyPilgrim

    Merb’s reputation amongst SPs

    Is it a surprise to anyone that an escort review board would end up feeling like a rowdy boys’ club / locker room? Just to be clear: NOT saying I endorse it, NOT saying I enjoy it. Reading any one of my rare posts and reviews will quickly give you a pretty clear idea of where I stand on...
  8. GreyPilgrim

    Addressing Coercion and Building a Stronger Merb Community

    Yeah. Hype can kill a session before the door even opens. As for the reviews, glowing or scathing, if anyone takes everything written on MERB for cold hard facts, they probably deserve the wake up call that’s coming their way! On one hand, you’ve got photoshopped pics, exaggerating bookers and...
  9. GreyPilgrim

    What is it with the pimps?

    Preaching to the choir. It seems absolutely ridiculous, but that’s pretty much exactly what bill C-36 states: 286.2 (1) Every person who receives a financial or other material benefit, knowing that it is obtained by or derived directly or indirectly from the commission of an offence under...
  10. GreyPilgrim

    What is it with the pimps?

    It’s semantics. Some people will argue that anyone who profits directly or indirectly from a sex worker, even if they provide a valuable service to them (driver, booker, security, web management, content creation…) is, by definition, a pimp. However, I feel like most hobbyists tend to have a...
  11. GreyPilgrim

    Outfits: incall vs outcall

    No matter if it’s incall or outcall, I GREATLY prefer chic casual to an overdone stripper look. I also love undressing a lady during foreplay. So even for incalls, I’d much rather be greeted by a fully clothed girl I know I will have the pleasure of undressing. Also, I once requested an indy to...
  12. GreyPilgrim

    Being called “daddy” yes or no?

    Daddy? Oh, yeah. I’m there. I’m all about tonguing asses and taking names!
  13. GreyPilgrim

    Are you a dirty talker in bed?

    Love dirty talking. LOVE IT!!! And I completely agree with Stroker7: there’s kind of an art to it. A flow. Outside the hobby, it’s something that really needs to be set up slowly and deliberately at first to avoid freaking out your partner. With SPs, though… As long as you discuss it...
  14. GreyPilgrim

    Let’s play!

    That’s even better than your mother’s!
  15. GreyPilgrim

    "Freestyling" AKA meeting a SP organically

    I know, just saying because at least two people who posted here seemed to be worried about the possibility.
  16. GreyPilgrim

    "Freestyling" AKA meeting a SP organically

    If the female cop is the one who instigates the contact and proposes her fake services, no matter if it happens in Canada or the US, then it would be considered entrapment and that case would never fly. Basically, all they could do is lecture you.
  17. GreyPilgrim

    Sex in public. Yes or no?

    Sir, I hereby consider myself properly beaten and… I’m officially jealous! Hats off to you and cheers!
  18. GreyPilgrim

    Do you ever try foodplay with a SP?

    I almost always bring fresh fruit: strawberries, watermelon, pineapple... It serves as a wonderful way to break the ice, never fails to seamlessly lead into teasing foreplay and usually features prominently during the chat in between sogs. Desserts are fun too, but they do tend to make...
  19. GreyPilgrim

    Sex in public. Yes or no?

    Weirdest ever for me? A racquetball court! Yeah, we obviously got spotted. Nope, didn’t get caught. So… all in all, a major turn on! :p
  20. GreyPilgrim

    Do you support the idea of compensating a service provider without the agency's knowledge, or do you oppose it?

    Believe it or not, but I was once given a girl’s contact info… directly by the agency’s booker, at her request! So no, I definitely wouldn’t jump for the tar, feathers, torch and pitchfork if a girl handed me her contact info to make both our lives easier. On the other hand, given direct access...
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