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Montreal Escorts

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  1. GreyPilgrim

    Just a rookie question (s)

    If you’re looking for Montreal escort intel, you simply don’t need any other ressource than this site. Look around. It’s all here, really! The only rookie mistake to avoid is to come in looking to see that one very specific girl your itching for. You’d be setting yourself up for disappointment...
  2. GreyPilgrim

    Faithfulness and the SP

    Not how it works for me. I just see sex and love as two different things. And while love for your sexual partner definitely enhances the experience, it is absolutely not a prerequisite to enjoyment. So you see, I enjoy hobbying precisely because no strings are attached. It’s just a...
  3. GreyPilgrim

    Outcall Dress Code?

    Unless roleplay is involved (in which case the scenario obviously dictates the dress code), I always dress as I would for a regular date… with extra attention to grooming. It just shows obvious, basic consideration for the SP… and it’s certainly the most reliable way to easily score a few extra...
  4. GreyPilgrim

    Booking Etiquette

    I mean… Is the whole turn of events disappointing? Sure. Would that provider benefit from hiring an assistant? Probably. Then again, who wouldn’t?!? Is it possible this provider views her customers as no more than mere cash cows? Er… maybe, I guess. Should you go even further and publicly shame...
  5. GreyPilgrim

    GF used to be an SP

    Oh, boy… Before this gets out of hand, and it will, let me just say that your statement, right there, is one huge generalization. Huge. Just because someone doesn’t share your specific set of values or has another perspective on the implications of sex doesn’t instantly mean they are unstable...
  6. GreyPilgrim

    What do you wear on date with Sp?

    I beg to differ. Teasingly undressing a beautiful woman to ever so slowly discover her body is the best kind of warm up as far as I’m concerned. In fact, playing dress up has always been a huge turn on for me. - You got me a gift! How thoughtfu! Can I open it now? - Now, that would hardly be...
  7. GreyPilgrim

    What's your go-to song while in bed?

    Some suggestions for your consideration.
  8. GreyPilgrim

    Your favorite musical covers

    For it’s jaw dropping technical mastery and insight into a musician‘s head... Larnell Lewis‘ attempt at covering Enter Sandman after hearing for the first time ever. For the pure unadulterated bliss of rocking out, not giving a f*ck and the epic badassness of girl power... Nandi Bushell’s cover...
  9. GreyPilgrim

    Asking girls for BBFS

    Spoiler alert: every single one of us does! It feels better. That’s just a simple fact. I mean it’s probably the single biggest sexual perk of being in a steady, exclusive relationship! But to ask / expect it from a SP is... alarming at best.
  10. GreyPilgrim

    Asking girls for BBFS

    Would I be right in assuming this is strictly coming from new/inexperienced clients? I mean... I’ve obviously never been on your side of the fence, but it’s pretty hard to imagine a scenario where an established merbite would randomly drop that kind of request to a SP!!! Don’t get me wrong: I...
  11. GreyPilgrim

    Who is your favorite porn star?

    Ladies that betray my age: Roxanne Blaze Zara Whites Stephanie Swift Current favorites: Foxy Di Sheri Vi Adria Rae Sybil Kailena Eva Strauss
  12. GreyPilgrim

    Best music to fuck to

    Mezzanine by Massive Attack. The whole album. Literally. From start to finish. From the tentative opening notes as you close in to the intense crescendos of later tracks, it just perfectly encapsulates every moment of a romantic encounter. You’re welcome.
  13. GreyPilgrim

    Agency versus independent

    A tip is always appreciated, but not expected. If anything, it might help to distinguish you as a good client. But I’m sure most providers who are active here will tell you that no amount of money in the world will ever replace good communication, courteous manners and impeccable hygiene. As...
  14. GreyPilgrim

    Your wish list of sp's you would like to see re-appear on the scene

    Posted in the 411 thread already, but... Jaime @ Xo/Euphoria She disappeared when the lockdown hit and, man... I still got money set aside just to see her if/when she returns!!!
  15. GreyPilgrim

    Best Montreal pizza

    Lol! Just couldn’t help it! As soon as I read « Trump » and « pizza » in the same sentence, the first thing that came to mind was that epic rant from Jon Stewart! Must’ve seen that clip a dozen times and it still cracks me up. Anyway, that’s all I have on the topic.
  16. GreyPilgrim

    Best Montreal pizza

    I’m guessing (and sorta hoping) you’re joking, right? I mean, don’t get me wrong: New York pizza is the best. Hands down. No competition. But Trump knows precisely jack shit about authentic New York style pizza. And in case you’d want to debate this particular point, here’s scientific proof! ;)
  17. GreyPilgrim

    PSE vs GFE

    One word, sir: communication! I see no reason in the world why you would NOT want to discuss any specifics/services/fetishes/kinks/roleplay well in advance. While you might rightfully be worried about freaking out ladies you’d pick up in a bar by being too upfront about your particular tastes...
  18. GreyPilgrim


    We all rationalize our hobbying differently. Some feel guilty. Some feel justified. Some never even stop for a second to consider the risks involved, let alone the morality of it all. Arguing about semantics, the importance of the risks involved or the individual reasoning behind our actions...
  19. GreyPilgrim

    Do you like GREEK and why?

    Ironically, I guess the thing I enjoy the most about it has nothing to do with how it actually feels. And let me be honest here, to me it feels pretty much the same as a regular penetration since I’m wearing a condom! No, as far as I’m concerned, the real temptation here is precisely the fact...
  20. GreyPilgrim

    Escort Hygiene

    15 years of lowkey, on-and-off hobbying and I’ve barely ever met an SP who showed up less than squeaky clean. Might be dumb luck. Might be me being picky and doing my research beforehand. Can’t say. In any case, I don’t see the big issue here. If you have any doubts at all or tend to be...
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