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  1. GreyPilgrim

    Is Artificial Intelligence a threat to humanity ?

    As a point of fact, that is precisely what the Facebook chatbots did. They effectively did away with normalized syntax to the point where words were little more than placeholder values in a trading protocol they came up with by themselves. The end result, while still using recognizable English...
  2. GreyPilgrim

    Is Artificial Intelligence a threat to humanity ?

    The whole Facebook bot thing can still be viewed as a wake up call. What those AIs did isn't dangerous per se. They are basically little more then a glorified structure of algorithms that are tasked with transferring insane amounts of data at an optimal rate within strict parameters defined by...
  3. GreyPilgrim

    Cellphone anonymity (tips plz)

    Long time lurker, here. And I mean loooooooong time! Long enough to remember Nylon's awesome reviews (always featuring creative use of stockings, a taste I also share!) and that's saying something! Been in and out of the hobby more times than I'd care to admit, too! I understand that I may...
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