Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

Search results

  1. Shantie_mtl

    Looking for location for photoshoot / video

    Hi, If you have location to shared for photoshoot & video. Looking for sp friendly. Thanks you ♡ I know the popular studios in Montréal. Looking for news places & different places (originality)
  2. Shantie_mtl

    8 avril | Éclipse solaire

    Quels sont vos recommandations pour cette journée ? J'ai un photoshoot à 9:30 a.m. cette journée. Selon, ce que j'ai lu, ça devrait arriver vers 15h30 ... Qui d'entre vous aller la regarder & si oui qu'allez vous utiliser ? Merci d'avance pour vos conseils.
  3. Shantie_mtl

    New me

    Back from a jaw surgery ♡ starting to see the result ;-)
  4. Shantie_mtl

    How often duo vs solo do you book

    How do you like treesome ? Do you had good experiences? Any thing would make more worth it ?
  5. Shantie_mtl

    Transparent no bra t-shirt / dress in public

    Do you like or no ?
  6. Shantie_mtl

    What will you make book more often ?

    What the maximum budget you spend by hour ?
  7. Shantie_mtl

    Shower together

    Probably 95% of the provider we hate it. I pass almost 2 hours to dry my hair Do my make up 10-30 min One person is cold ... Can't have protection in the shower (not safe) My skin gonna be dehydrate I'm gonna get cold when in gonna out of it and wet So why ... It's my only moment I have...
  8. Shantie_mtl

    When (day), time & how long session (time) do you usualy book

    I find 7h am 12hpm 3hpm are the more popular timing and some Sunday pm
  9. Shantie_mtl

    Twitch (video game) ps4 ps5 Nintendo switch cross play

    Good morning ! I didn't see nobody really talk about their favorite games. How often do you play video game. My favorite dates are the videos games. Maybe not for everyone. Maybe a good meal & video game it's create more for me connection than only a movie who difficult to talk... During...
  10. Shantie_mtl

    Le Purgatoire des intimes Film

    Qui a vu le film ? Vos avis ! La sécurité c'est tellement important... je ne vais jamais prendre un risque pour un montant ... c'est pourquoi mes rendez-vous sont tolerance 0 avec la drogue
  11. Shantie_mtl

    Recherche meilleure café en grain & tasse à café

    Suggestions ♡
  12. Shantie_mtl

    Provider website

    Do you take the time to read the website and what you like to have in the website.
  13. Shantie_mtl

    Provider birthday / age

    Do you send gift to your favorite provider for their birthday... and what you're thinking about the age of your provider ?
  14. Shantie_mtl

    How long do you like the massage last in the session ?

    What do you think about massage service & full service. Do you prefer a provider who offer massage. If yes on a table or on a bed.
  15. Shantie_mtl

    Real or breast implant ?

    What do you prefer ? Real breast Or implant
  16. Shantie_mtl

    My favorite place to buy lingerie & shoes

    * I would suggest the working girl located in St-Henri, Montréal & you can réserve the place for private date. I did few time and it's pretty fun and the owner is a amazing person & help. My favorite shoes are louboutin to go with lingerie, so à visit to holt renfrew. Or online Agent...
  17. Shantie_mtl

    shantie ☆

    One of the good selfie
  18. Shantie_mtl

    What make a good incall location for you

    I would like your advice, ideas or suggestions. Let me know thanks - clean (shinning, no hair) - candles with smell - intimate - queen or king bed - firm mattress - garbage empty - color light - clean towel & carpet - clean bed - no pets - easy parking - design - light music, nice Playlist...
  19. Shantie_mtl

    How you can get the best experiences

    Few more adds on my original thread. I hope it's gonna help * Introduction (age, name, location, what you're looking for, timing, date, where, more détails possible) fill the form on the web site if possible - make your research about the provider (research by picture & phone number), look at...
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