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  1. Fred Zed

    MERB site maintenance and downtime.

    Just a heads up, tomorrow around 7PM we will begin maintenance to our servers. Unfortunately there will be 2 - 3 hours of downtime as long as all goes to plan. Thank you for understanding.
  2. Fred Zed

    MERB Message Blast

    Hello, We have been testing out a new advertising feature where we allow our advertisers to send sponsored messages to our members. We believe it is a good opportunity for members to be presented with SPs, Agencies and special offers that they may have not previously been aware of. If you...
  3. Fred Zed

    MERB Message Blast

    Hello, We have been testing out a new advertising feature where we allow our advertisers to send sponsored messages to our members. We believe it is a good opportunity for members to be presented with SPs, Agencies and special offers that they may have not previously been aware of. If you...
  4. Fred Zed

    Merb website issues

    The website will be up and down, fast and slow until through the weekend when we move everything to brand new servers. Thank you for understanding
  5. Fred Zed

    Important, please read

    Ok so we have all been on a rough ride these past couple of months and i sincerely hope that nobody in our community has lost any love ones to this disgusting disease. If you have, our deepest condolences are sent your way. Next step... we are reopening the advertising sections to all Agencies...
  6. Fred Zed

    COVID-19 related topics now have a new forum

    Please post all COVID-19 related topics, issues, concerns, opinions etc here : Some threads have already been moved. Thanks Thank you
  7. Fred Zed

    More MERB maintenance over next couple of days

    The site will be up and down over the next couple of days while we make adjustments to the new site. Thanks for being patient
  8. Fred Zed

    The Re-opening of Advertising on MERB

    Just a heads up, that in discussions with various agencies we have decided to open the forums on May 31 to advertise for first day of business June 1. Thank you
  9. Fred Zed

    Draft of review template, comments and suggestions welcomed

    Reviewers Age : (Optional) Years Hobbying : Number of escorts visited : Escorts Name : Agency / Indy : Link to her ad : Is this a repeat session: Yes , No, multiple repeats Price: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  10. Fred Zed

    A message from MERB, new platform

    Just a heads up folks that in a few days we will be migrating the forum away from VBulletin and onto a new platform. If you happen to sign in and there is a service outage, this would be the reason. The new platform is much more modern has has many many new features. Yes there will be lots of...
  11. Fred Zed

    Changes on MERB to lead us into our next 20 years

    Over the past couple of months we have been brainstorming and kicking around new ideas to improve the user experience of the forums. Not to give much away right now, but there are some major changes coming soon. I would like to get the members opinion on a way to improving the " posting a...
  12. Fred Zed

    Another very important message from merb . Please read

    Because we are Canada's largest online adult community, we feel that during this worldwide health crisis we have a moral obligation to all of society, and do whats best for everyones health and well being. We have decided to lead by example and shut down all advertising on all of our forums...
  13. Fred Zed

    Another very important message from merb . Please read

    Because we are Canada's largest online adult community, we feel that during this worldwide health crisis we have a moral obligation to all of society, and do whats best for everyones health and well being. We have decided to lead by example and shut down all advertising on all of our forums...
  14. Fred Zed


    Hello, we are pleased to announce that we are re-launching our MERB twitter account, please follow us for up to the minute information, industry news, and retweets of your favorite Agencies, Spas and Independent ladies. Follow us and you will also have a chance to win free advertising. @_merb_...
  15. Fred Zed

    TERB system Upgrades

    Just a heads up that TERB will be off and on all day today for systems upgrades
  16. Fred Zed

    How to post a selfie

    MAXIMUM 3 SEPARATE POSTS PER DAY IN THIS FORUM ONLY SUPPORTING MEMBERS MAY POST IN THIS SECTION To upload image to your Merb ad go to: Select CHOOSE FILE and click UPLOAD NOW then copy link that appears under: IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards Post that link...
  17. Fred Zed

    Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    Wishing all Merb Mods, Supporting Members and Hobby Members a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
  18. Fred Zed

    Test advanced Editor keys

    ggg advanced editor advanced editor
  19. Fred Zed

    Log in is working again now sorry for the incovenience

    Have a nice day !
  20. Fred Zed

    NDP, LIB, Green, would repeal bill c-36 At Thursday night's Proud to Vote debate, NDP, Liberal, and Green representatives pledged that their respective parties would repeal Bill C-36, the Conservatives' anti-sex-work law, if they form...
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