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  1. M

    Should agencies post if a girl is hairy in the descriptions?

    Nearly half of hobbyists like girls with hair. https://merb.cc/xenforo/threads/hairy-pussy-yay-or-nay.218549/page-5#post-1649248
  2. M

    Duck lips?

    Collagen implants are becoming increasingly popular. I prefer natural lips and rack. Wondering if age has anything to do with it. I am in my forties.
  3. M

    DFK - Don't be an idiot

    DFK is every hobbyist's dream. But it pays not to be an idiot. Few things make SPs more uncomfortable than a hobbyist pushing DFK. Escorts (and many women) have built in ability to endure sex ... even when they are not really up for it. IF they can externalize it. Pushy DFK forces them to...
  4. M

    Hobbying during AIDS. Hobbying during covid.

    During AIDS: Did not get a single BBBJ/DFK for a decade (1984-1994). Everybody talked about AIDs, everyone knew someone affected. During covid: Not a single SP brought it up. Not a single girl asked if I was vaxed. Every girl offered BBBJ/DFK. Saw at least 4 nurse/SPs during that time...
  5. M

    Recruiting Challenges : Are SP Agencies Being Affected?

    Restaurants, retail, and businesses are having a hard time attracting talent. Is this affecting the Hobby? Impressions: - Noticeable lack of new talent entering the industry. - Shortage of girls 18-21. - Agencies hiring older, heavier, talent to compensate. - Minorities (blacks, natives, +...
  6. M

    Ever been robbed by an SP?

    There's another thread going about a well-known SP who robbed a client for several hundred dollars, so I thought I'd open a thread to talk about the broader subject. https://merb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?75417-Thalia-WildTime-ex-Thalia-Montreal-Sex-city-ex-Alexanne-Goodgirls/page9 ******...
  7. M

    Agencies that keep your phone# and name in their records...

    The adoption of Bill C-36 which criminalizes the purchase of sexual services will surely lead to police action at some point. This has got me wondering about agencies that keep clients' names and phone numbers in their records. Does this worry you? Off the top of my head, the following...
  8. M

    Nominations for Best Reviewer 2014

    I guess it is that time of the year again. The time to honor the Best Reviewer of 2014. We are not looking for talkers. We are looking for doers. Those guys who go out in the trenches to do the research and reviewing work that make this board useful. Previous winners: 2013 Delta 123 2012...
  9. M

    Small things an SP can do to build repeat clienteles....

    We know that being an SP is a tough job. However IMHO there are a couple of very small things that SPs can do, that show clients respect, and which in the end can make things nicer for both of you and are guaranteed to build you repeat business. 1. Don't go for the cash until the appointment...
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