Montreal Escorts

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  1. F

    Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

    "Respect" is the KEY word in all of this. Without respecting the other party (attempting empathy if not achieving it, seeking to understand the others' point of view), conversations/debates cease to be meaningful. If someone IS offended at something I said, why is that? I'd like to know...
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    Mood Killers

    Oh my, I think that takes the cake! Good on you for staying calm and doing your best - I think there are very few people who could get thrown such a curve ball and still roll with it like you did. (I can't believe he didn't plunk down a little more for a trusted babysitter then enjoy his...
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    Who is your favorite porn star?

    Destiny Dixon. Not only super hot, but a former stunt bike rider and trying to break into the music scene. Seems like she'd be awesome to spend a weekend with (while driving around in my Ferrari, or road-tripping in our matching Ducati's to my beach-side cottage in the Hamptons) <bzzz bzzz>...
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    What to tell a girl when she ask how your skills can be so good in bed...

    Or simply say you read books/sites to learn more. And you listen to her to sense what's going well and what isn't.
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    Taylor Swift Groping Trial

    On a related note, I never got "groping". How does this make anyone's day? Does someone think a grope will suddenly turn on the woman and lead to great things? With that being said, if a hot woman grabbed my ass and said "let's go" I'd probably bowl over the Great Wall of China to follow her...
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    Google software engineer fired for writing memo questioning diversity

    Another aspect not discussed was Googles promotion process. It relies on peer review. So if you're a few male coworker to this guy, you'll immediately think you're not going to get a positive review from his views. Since he made his views public, the company had to take action to prevent future...
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    Driving on the 50

    Thanks all for the advice! Sounds like 50 in the day is fine, at night maybe not so much (but then traffic should be lighter to jet down to the 417). Looking forward to the trip!
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    Driving on the 50

    I have a work trip in Gatineau coming up and was thinking of cruising over to Montreal afterwards (someone I'd like to see in Laval). I've driven the 417/40 route and 17 but never tried the 50. It definitely looks more direct and allows me to skip Ottawa and DT Montreal traffic (I'd leave after...
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    Going solo

    I generally agree. Went to Europe and SE Asia on my own and really enjoyed it. The exception was India - thank goodness I was with others then else I would have probably gone crazy! One of the group loved to barter so he took care of the endless negotiations that accompanied everything. I'll...
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    Going solo

    I don't mean spending the night in front of porn, but with other activities, primarily outdoor. How many of you prefer to do things on your own and how many prefer one or more companions (again, non-sexual activities)? I find it depends on the activity but I usually prefer solo. The other day...
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    Female Teachers That Have Been Caught Sleeping with Students

    South Park tends to sum up most world events succinctly:
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    Besoin vos avis

    ^^ haha good one!
  13. F

    Is there any spot for Men in this business ?

    I remember reading an article many years ago on a male escort. He worked at a male dance place (like Chippendales, tho they didn't give the name). Some clients were homely but most were older, single businesswomen. Like men, they wanted an enjoyable, no-strings-attached good time. I remember...
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    From a pure definition POV, I would agree with EB. But I do chuckle when I see "TOFTT" associated with agencies like Vogue, XO and Euphoria. Even tho i haven't partaken from them, I've seen nothing but positive reviews from these agencies. Personally, I do tend to associate TOFTT more with BP...
  15. F

    What is a good reason to cancel an appointment last minute ?

    Where I live, some good agencies are downtown on fairly busy streets. The city isn't that big so there's always a chance of running into someone I know. I can totally imagine having to cancel in the last 30 seconds because I run into someone right before buzzing the door to the agency! I always...
  16. F

    Proud to be an American...

    Shyman you are likely in the minority (tho definitely not wrong). I think people naturally want to feel part of a "team" whether it's a sports one, identifying with a city, state or province (I've found Americans more strongly identify with their state than Canadians do with their province), or...
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    Spiced up

    Some truth there but there are plenty of very smart people who voted for him too, they just feel more anti-Dem/anti-Hillary/anti-govt than anything else (even if the govt is helping them too). There are plenty of Americans who cannot stand the thought of free handouts to undeserving fellow...
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    Do you Book SP with Enhanced Breasts?

    I often do if I can but it ultimately doesn't make a lick of difference. I'd say 2 of my top 5 experiences have been with totally natural women. Chemistry and all-around feeling is what truly matters. Having said that, enhanced breasts are a turn-on to me and I enjoy their look when done right...
  19. F

    They gave it a name.

    Frankly I don't understand it either. I had a condom break during doggy and I pulled outright away (I could feel something "different"). She was very appreciative, knew it was an accident, and we remedied the situation to everyone's satisfaction :-). We had just switched over to doggy so we...
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    San Diego

    One of the most high-energy PSE I've had was Diwata, now called Athletica I think ( Basically non-stop, like vids you'd see with Ava Devine. I saw Michelle Rene as well, I'd agree with current looks but it was a lovely, sensual experience. She's very...
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