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    Why are prices dropping?? $140 is back!

    Montreal is a world class city Montreal is a world class city – It is one of the most affluent cities in North America. The services provided are to the highest standards. It is about time some you guys realize that very soon you will not be able to avail yourself of the exceptional services...

    Why are prices dropping?? $140 is back!

    Third World Rates? I cannot believe some of you guys. The rates in Montreal are almost at third world level. The economy here is definitely not third world! The problem is that there are many Agencies who have fallen into a trap competing with each other for the Merb business. This was started...

    Celine running Montreal Secret Affairs???

    Business Model Hi guys I am still here :D I told you the focus on a vertical market is not the way to go..

    Getting "Connecting to www.classxxx.ca"

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    Getting "Connecting to www.classxxx.ca"

    Our Hosting Company, Nexpoint.net has had a problem with the server we host ClassXXX and Extacy. They are in the process of switching the server - This was sceheduled be be complete by 11PM Friday - However they just advised me that it may not be until Saturday afternoon before the websites are...
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