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  1. M

    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    My comment was not for you or that but those who think having sex with a trans is no big deal every man should be open to and okay with because 'it's a woman now'. They don't see it as a deception. Rather than call out deceptive practices as such they condone them. Ridiculing anyone or...
  2. M

    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    Hi Westwoody I hope you are doing good. I am sorry for your friend that's crazy that he was beaten to death for being gay?! Ridiculous. I totally agree hate crimes like that just reek insecurity. If I guessed, i'd say you didn't see an outpouring of protest over post #30 because people...
  3. M

    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    I addressed your specific argument that not knowing something at the time makes it a non issue for that person later. It does not. I do not think you are standing up for the LGBT community by nonchalantly dismissing other people's life choices. It's almost like you want to excuse the deception...
  4. M

    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    Hi Passionne, I just want to confirm. You are perfectly alright having sex with your mother, daughter or sister as long as you don't know it is your mother, daughter or sister at the time? Glory hole dog/goat/niece/father/brother? Can you confirm please. that's what I am getting here from...
  5. M

    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    We know about projection you haven't addressed anything. I don't have to agree or not agree to understand. I wouldn't feed a vegetarian meat nor would i setup siblings who don't know eachother on a blind date. It's called respect for others. Seriously Hungry if the lady protested your cock...
  6. M

    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    Some of the comments on this thread are really frightening. A complete disregard for people and their values or limits. It is immoral. Just because you think something is 'no big deal' does not mean that it is no big deal for everyone. Someone cited feeding a Jewish or Muslim person pork...
  7. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    I was replying to curly if you check my post it had his quote.:0
  8. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    teens = ages 10-19 Femme vs fille is a different thing altogether. Idk how you can say that 18-19-20 = teens, when twenty is not in the teens mathematically... I am just agreeing that there is a common theme where women of any age are treated like they are incapable vs men in the same...
  9. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    Souvent en vouloir 'proteger' ce qu'ont signal c'est un diminuement de la femme. Qu'elle n'est pas asser responsable pour faire ses propres decisions.
  10. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    I always thought the older people got the more they stayed attracted to those closer to their age. Personally, for that father to be older than me he'd have had to have had her in his early teens :)
  11. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    'demonstrate that the adolescent brain continues to mature well into the 20s.' Merci pour les liens. J'aime ca ce type de recherche typiquement fascinante. Je sais bien que le cervaux n'arrette pas de developper. J'avait dit auttant dans un de mes postes. Ca peut etre utiliser pour justifier...
  12. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    1. Tu voit tu ne considere pas quel'qun a 18 un adulte 2. A 18 ont est adultes ont peut tout decider. L'exception c'est qu'a 16 ont judge que meme si ont n'est pas adulte ont peut conduire. 3. Croit mois je pense que te penser sont eu meme un peut rigide/self'rightous'/arrogant. Par contres au...
  13. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    Tu n'est vraiment pas specifique. Tu ne dit pas grand chose avec ca tu sait. C'est juste des 'buzz words'. Tu ne repond pas aux argument. Ont appelle ca des attaques ad hominem. C'est ce que le monde utilise quant ils n'ont pas d'argument. Tu ma demander pourquoi je te disait que c'est...
  14. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    Aller à la guerre à peine majeur inclus qu'ont est majeures. Donc si ont est majeures ont peut decider. Naturellement, la guerre qui existe dans ce monde arrive. Le danger c'est de creer un cadre legal avec des categories 'adultes'. Sa finit jamais. Sa enleve le chois de tout le monde. Ont...
  15. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    Allo Betudon, Je ne parle pas de l'age de vendre de la creme glace. Mais si ont est asser majeure pour aller en guerre je pense qu'ont est asser majeure pour le reste. Tu ne pense pas? Oui des consequences economiques...juste comme l'abolition de l'esclavage en a eu. C'est pas une raison de...
  16. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    Betudon Je ne dis meme pas que je suis en dessacord ou en support de ton point; mais tu n'a pas repondue a une seul de mes questions de discussion. Je n'ai pas l'impression que tu est honnete du tout. Actually, I think your thread is just a troll. Tu ne comprend pas l'anglais? Ton point...
  17. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    Hi Betudon, I wonder if you think like this about everything? Person in the army; 'Vous pensez quoi au juste que toutes ces personnes sont des psychopathes qui prennent plaisir a tuer 5 gars chaque soir et qui rentre chez son barrack sans plus y penser jamais?' Person working long 12 hour...
  18. M

    La vérité que personne ne veut entendre

    This reminds me about the age to be able to join the military. In some countries recruiters start at high schools/college. There's an old joke about being able to go to war at 18 but not drink till 21. I don't like the idea of changing the age of adult to 21 for EVERYTHING because I remember...
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