Montreal Escorts

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  1. K

    What is the creepiest thing you ever seen, told by, did with a SP, Massage/SC girl

    hah! that was great. in portugese "give me your milk" is common pillow talk and I am now picturing endless semi-lingual tourists walk to the icebox and pour a glass of wholesome partly skimmed for their thirsty concubine.
  2. K

    What do you do to make yourself more appealing for meetings comes to mind, but i'm pretty sure i'm just indulging a reply you know holds no water.
  3. K

    What do you do to make yourself more appealing for meetings

    many just find it dirty looking.
  4. K

    Am I the only one strongly disliking the collagen lips?

    lips are nice but it can be overdone. i'm all about natural women. prefer someone comfortable in her trainers and no make up if its a day call.
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