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    Bush Says U.S. Economy "Envy of the Industrialized World"

    I'm not trying to be a Bush apologist but... Sorry but Clinton didn't "fix" the economy - the economy of the 90's was the end result of the Reagan Revolution The accounting scandals started piling up in 2001 just after Bush took office. They came to light just prior to and after 9/11 due...
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    That's what I thought. I can't wait for my trip next month. Thanks for your help
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    I probably already know the answer to this but I want some confirmation. I have question about Thanksgiving. I know that Canadians celebrate their Thanksgiving holiday on the same day as Columbus day in the US and that Thanksgiving in the US is the fourth Thrusday in November (this the 24th). I...
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    Day rates at hotels

    I've seen mention of hotels offering day rates. What exactly are these, i.e. for hour many hours & any reccommendations on places that offer these Thanks
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    Terri Schiavo - What's your opinion?

    Jesse Jackson is nothing but an attention whore. He is doing nothing more than feeding off the media attention. Give me a break - On Monday he is putting forth that racial motives are behind Michael Jackson's little boy lovin' legal troubles & on Tuesday he is praying with the Shindlers...
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