Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

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  1. H

    SP Blue

    CA makes some very valid points - it is important to remember that SPs are people. Certainly some are damaged - it would be safe to say that many could be classified thusly. But as fellow humans they share the same needs and desires as any of us. Whether or not she shares your feelings is...
  2. H

    My opinion: The days of the Mecca have abated

    EB _ Don't you mean sloppy fourths? HM6K
  3. H

    My opinion: The days of the Mecca have abated

    I think that due to current market conditions many HDH are LUCKY to be seeing 1 client per day. I know a few that definitely do NOT see more than one per day...
  4. H

    My opinion: The days of the Mecca have abated

    Can't we all just get along? While I can certainly agree that the days of excessive choice and low prices are gone (until the next severe economic downturn) Montreal does still offer some gems that frankly, are not available in the states. Besides, even though the times have changed, it's...
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