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    How's your Formula 1 Grand Prix weekend?

    The Monday following the Grand Prix weekend is one of my favorite days of the year, because that’s when all the douchebags move out ^^
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    Bank ATMs in Downtown Montreal that dispense $100 bills?

    To me it does not really make any difference. Cash is cash. 300$ will remain 300$ whether it is paid in three 100$ bills or 15 20$ bills. I never encountered a provider who commented on my choice of bills.
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    Quelqu’un peut m’expliquer la logique : le gouvernement ferme les restaurants, bars, gyms, salles de spectacle, salles de sport, il impose un couvre-feu et plein d’autres restrictions, MAIS, il laisse les places de « soins personnels » ouvertes (=salons de massage érotiques). Je ne comprends pas...
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