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  1. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    Better than that id bet 90% of teh so called mail in votes are either people dead or dont exist i put nothing past democrats since day 1 pelosci tried with fradulant claims to get rid of trump which information given was totally false and obama and dems weaponized the government to go after...
  2. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    you should tell Cnn to give you a raise in spite of the lowsy job you are doing
  3. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    if democrats were to win and start enforcing the law as they wont have trump to blame all those BLM ''protesters''who have been looting and burning cities down at will will be in for a rude awakening.and that new vp might be black on the outside but she is pure evil to her comunity on the inside...
  4. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    Ill keep this simple for you.China infected the world.Trump stopped travel from china before a single is a pandemic all overthe world.trump was called a racist he did his job,he is a bit eccentric but biden is a waste of skin.Trump did make trade deals and didnèt cause a war like was...
  5. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    Everyone knows what happened to the titanic Its amazing how people try and twist absolutely everything Trump or team says to a negative.well you heard it here first , trump will win by a landslide and the left will go wild
  6. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    so you actually heard this with your own ears or got it from the reliable tabloid CNN. Do realize if a person makes death threats you get arrested and since the democrats have tried from day 1 to get rid of Trump if this was actually True they would have done something.
  7. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    seriously would you let this confused man even drive a school buy with your kids in it
  8. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    ya...... thats why Trump will win got the Nightmare part right
  9. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    your being too kind i would have paid a fortune to see hillary clinton take a hissy fit meltdown and she is still not over it-democrats dotn give a shit about teh american people they are all about power biden has the nerve to say people dont know where their next meal will come from damm...
  10. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    trump is eccentric biden belongs in a old folks home with a clean diaper and easy open jar od baby food.well you know the democrats when biden loses they will make him the sacrificial lamb and promote harris to position
  11. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    People don't like trump but for a man his age he has all his marbles.Biden is just a advanced demantia patient if he was my father i would not Let him plug a toaster in alone and he is running my god this is the best the democrats can find .
  12. R

    Is it wrong to go see an Escort high or drunk?

    Its not like your meeting the president of a country they all have their issues they have the right to refuse you .i dont go to see a service provider with the though they are takin notes or actually care about me -sex for money very simple don't try and complicate it.
  13. R

    favorite current tv series...

    if you liked the wire and the sopranos you have to see lilyhammer pure the shield banshee...
  14. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    oh no if a republican was in it would be zero dead a unstoppable virus from china . trump closed the borders before 1 death and ya its all his fault in fact the dems called him a racist and the wicked witch sack of bones pelosci was encouraging peoplel to go out and not wear a mask
  15. R

    Presidential run 2020.

    I watched the debate.Normally Biden has trouble making a sentance.i wonder aht drugs they gave him to seem lucid or it was a imposter.Lies roll off bidens back like water off a duck(his druggie son is 100% incompetatent no exepriance in gas or ukraine yet got millions from a corupt gas company...
  16. R

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    i dont have a tin foil hat on and no one will force me to take their brand new vaccine with endless side effects.gee i might not be able to go to usa where 1000 people die each day.. and to believe what the media writes if i did hillary would be president.i heard reason for high death rate in...
  17. R

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    no such think as k12. you have B12 or k2. best to take K2 with vitiman d3..most people are deficient in magensium. .magnesium bisglycinate. is the form i take highest bio available form.helps you stay asleep natural muscle relaxant.
  18. R

    chinatown has 13 places where did you get a massage from heidi

    chinatown has 13 places where did you get a massage from heidi
  19. R

    The Trump Crime Family

    Trump did good things for america.
  20. R

    I wonder if this crisi will bring back the street scene, and/or part timers.

    Day prior i was east of cresant on south side of street near mikes pizza and was approached by stella a grey haired dutch polish woman who worked stlaurent for years.her typical ice breaker is you have or can you spare some change.i said i know you from stlaurent\she says oh thats when i was all...
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