Montreal Escorts

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  1. J


    That post was a “ tongue in cheek “ post, google it. You clearly miss understood it completely. It seems I do write so well that you don’t understand lol. There was no disrespect to the elderly quite the opposite. You should not always read things word for word but the meaning behind the way...
  2. J


    Either somebody removed your funny bone somewhere down the line or you clearly don’t comprehend sarcasm or English very well, That was anything but disrespectful. Ask cloudserf to translate it for you he got it. My mother died in one of those terrible homes and I am the last person on earth to...
  3. J


    Shame on these old fuckers for living so long and making the young and healthy lose their access to hot pussy and bars and the comforts they have become accustomed to. At least most of them had the decency to congregate in prison like nursing homes where it was easy to get rid of them in quick...
  4. J

    Why do girls believe that smearing their bodies with tattoos is sexy!

    I think it is kind of dark and murky Instead of vivid. Including whether or not you are talking about a male having 32M implants. I do agree that it is wrong though.
  5. J

    SP's looking for legitimacy

    The only thing that concerns me about an escorts age is that she is not under age. I try not to book any that look anywhere close to being too young other than that there are women that I have seen that were 21 and some that were 46 or even older. To me they were all fabulously gorgeous and...
  6. J

    June 1st Reopening

    It doesn’t really matter what any of us think. If indys can ask for longer sessions and higher prices and get It then that is what they will do. I will still see my regular indys because I enjoy there company they are fabulous women. as Fly said you can either opt for the cheaper agency girls...
  7. J

    June 1st Reopening

    I will still see my regular SP even if they have raised their rates, but I will not see any new ones that have increased rates by $50-$100. I am hesitant to see Agency girls as for now I want to stick to independents that I know and for some reason feel a bit safer with.
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