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  1. L

    this is funny

    Hey all...this is funny....
  2. L

    Cop Shot in Montreal

    reading and hearing all the news reports....i have to wonder why this operation was so botched...the police blew this operation....why did they raid? Were they not aware of the registered firearm?...did they not check the registry?....why didn't swat enter first as is proceedure?....why did the...
  3. L

    Park Avenue Saved!!!!

    does it exist?.....doesn't it?......either worked......the phrase you highlighted above maybe should have read....just goes to show that some people actually have power....maybe.... it exists.....i've seen it online....some of it....
  4. L

    Park Avenue Saved!!!!

    avenue du lives... it's all over the news....everyone is covering it....parck residents are giddy... i wonder what mr. wonderful....the mayor is going to say....i wonder if his crow is tasting good right now....I cannot wait to see his...
  5. L

    Park Avenue Saved!!!!

    HOORAY!!!! Our incompetent city administration and inompentent mayor have relented and are backing down on the renaming of Park Avenue to robert bourassa... HOORAY!!! PARK AVENUE LIVES!!!! just goes to show that we the people actually have some power!!! It was a long...
  6. L

    New Montreal Restaurant Thread

    sorry about the link, still don't know how to work a keyboard properly.... glad someone provided the correct link. Last time i was there i had the octopus ravioli, which was incredible....i loved it! and the beef tenderloin as a main.....It was the frst meat i had had in about 2 months at...
  7. L

    New Montreal Restaurant Thread

    Zeste in laval Hello Again everyone, This is a great thread....been just catching up with it and the review on garcon made my mouth water...for the life of me i do not know why i have not gone there yet.... But a great restaurant i have been visisting for the past year or so on a regular...
  8. L


    Triton, thank you for your kind words and you totally hit the nail on the head.....What an epiphany it was! Everyone as well...thank you for the kind words and wishes. I have been humbled by the fact that i am going to be a dad.....and scared as hell.... Ronnie, and doc prostate, i...
  9. L


    just curious, why would i make something so stupid up?.....These were some of the stupidest, suicidal, fucked up ignorant, blind things i have ever done, that tormented my soul...I am sure that many of you have done the same things. I can tell from certain posts members have made about the...
  10. L


    Hello, It's been a rather long time since i have posted here, but ihave been keeping up on the goings on every day. Interesting lives we lead. I have been a long time hobbiest, since 1989, since i was 17 years old. I have posted numerous posts here and in the old canbest. Oliver can vouch...
  11. L

    Belinda Stronach is HOT!!

    Hey all... who else thinks Belinda Stronach is hot!!!....what a MILF!!... Hope she wins the leadership race for the new conservative party.....she can make an old red turn blue very quickly!......she can bang me for my vote....heck!...i'd vote for her on a per bang basis...cross...
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