Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

Search results

  1. 4

    Super Bowl Commericals Best/Worst

    My favorite thus far is the one for Bud Lite where the guy gets thrown out of the office building. The "grease monkey" one was funny as well. Both featuring the Budweiser clydesdale were pretty mediocre. The '08 Audi spot featuring the godfather theme is still my personal favorite...
  2. 4

    Happy Birthday Ronnie

    Happy Birthday, Ronnie. Best of luck in the year ahead!
  3. 4

    German Pornstars- A proven way to increase interest in your sport

    Professional Soccer in the USA might actually catch on if it had more of these: http://sports.yahoo.com/sow/photo;_ylt=AiglcojpmqGSqOqnOV7Yrk05nYcB?slug=319340b2dc30d8ee4bc3d62c85f4d876-getty-year-2008-fbl-euro-2008-feature&prov=getty I'll take the blonde second from the left.
  4. 4

    Greenspan warns of Calamity???

    Good observation. We certainly won't be coming out of this recession for quite awhile. Historically, the severest economic downturns in American history have been associated with complete collapse in the housing market like we've experienced.
  5. 4

    Greenspan warns of Calamity???

    Good post, Korbel. Greenspan supported Phil Gramm's banking industry deregulation bill (the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) in the late 1990's. The transactions and "financial instruments" that are largely to blame for the current crisis were not allowed under the legislation that was in place before...
  6. 4

    What the Heck is Wrong with Some People?

    This is a particularly disgusting example of the US right wing's general practice of blaming-or at least shaming- victims of injustice into silence. Modern religious conservatives like Mrs. Palin pose a huge threat to American Democracy, at least whatever is left of it. I would encourage anyone...
  7. 4

    Has hobbying f**ked up your life?

    I totally agree with you, Korbel. It's all well and good to create a set of guidelines, actually adhering to them is another matter entirely. We all have our vulnerabilities , and sometimes those are exposed by circumstances completely beyond our control.
  8. 4

    Has hobbying f**ked up your life?

    Hobbying has improved my life. For me, it's the best form of stress relief there is. I would tell anyone who wants to start seeing SPs to undertake three practices:treat the SP(s) with respect, stay within a budget, and don't take things too seriously. So long as I continue to stay within...
  9. 4

    Which NEW PIC do you prefer?

    It's a close match between two and five, but my order of preference would be: 2,5,1,4,3 ...but you do look gorgeous in all of them!
  10. 4

    What condoms to buy?

    The first SP I ever saw was packing Kimonos, and I was impressed with the level of feeling they allow. Colors aren't my thing either, I find them to be distracting (for lack of a better term). BTW: Nice website, Mlle. Bijou.
  11. 4

    Are you influenced by escort's names?

    :) How about Prudence or Chastity? An SP's name would not influence my selection unless it was completely ridiculous.
  12. 4

    Hotel help

    Might make for an interesting time or at least a few free hours if the SP got stuck in there with ya....:o
  13. 4

    Best/Worst Super Bowl commercials ever?

    Outside of Audi's take on The Godfather, I found this year's collection of commericals to be pretty darn awful compared to past years. The dancing overweight car repaiman with the Amp energy drink was okay, but even that wasn't all that great. Also, several of the commericals struck me as...
  14. 4

    naughtylady - A Very Happy Birthday !!!

    Happy birthday Ronnie! Best of luck with everything you undertake! -455tec
  15. 4

    Driving annoyances not to use an other word

    I agree... This is my number one pain in the ass wherever I drive. I've always believed that the nimrods who go slower than (or exactly) the limit in the left lane cause more accidents than those who are speeding excessivly in it.
  16. 4

    Hotel booking

    Can't agree more here. I've always found the staff at the Hyatt to be entirely professional, but it seems LZ had the misfortune of running into a bad apple. I'd be tempted to complain if I was asked such a question as well.
  17. 4

    The book thread

    I recently finished Collapse by Jared Diamond. It's a great read for those interested in large scale history or anthropology. Diamond is the author of Guns, Germs, and Steel, BTW.
  18. 4

    elevator keys

    The Hyatt and the Sheraton don't require elevator keys. If you're all about popcorn sheetrock,a ridiculously overpriced mini-bar, and the occasional false fire alarm, choose the Sheraton.
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