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  1. S

    delayed ejaculation

    I know the first thing that comes to mind when most of you read this topic is "why is he complaining about this" Well, as you can infer from the name, delayed ejaculation is quite the opposite of premature ejaculation; On someone tight it usually takes ~1 hour of fast paced sex to reach...
  2. S

    I'm moving over to canada.

    ... so... adding to our trillion dollar deficit... a couple of years ago every american had ~a 26,000 debt i'm sure rescuing fannie mae and freddie mac is great and all but adding 800 billion $ to our debt is ... just great. oh and rescuing aig with 85 billion is.. just great as well...
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    I'm going to use myself as a guinea pig

    well i've done a lot of reading (phd//md articles not those stupid popup websites) I'm going to try two things and document my results throughout each week. 1. Zinc supplementation - 15 mg a day 2. PC muscle exercises - 2 times a week #1 is supposed to increase ejaculate. Well, we'll see. I...
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    Funniest moment with an sp?

    I'm going to leave the sp's name out of this but my funniest moment is probably the first time I was with an sp. I exploded, but i didn't know where to aim. I literally hit the ceiling fan, the alcohol, and the tv all within a matter of seconds. Apparently, I was embarrassed at the time...
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