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  1. K

    So I am watching this female cop on TV spewing the usual gibberish about…

    I saw the same episode. You see 5 cops with expensive computer and surveillance equipment busting a poor nobody who poses no threat to anyone looking for a bj with only $80 in his pocket. They could be using these resources for more serious crimes. What a waste of time and taxpayer dollars...
  2. K

    Best Strip Club Songs

    Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar on Me" This song is a classic. The strip clubs made this song popular. knight
  3. K

    SP Costs as Tax/Travel Write Offs

    Just did my taxes and a thought occurred to me. So a curious question to the hobbiests who travel for business: has anyone ever written off SP costs as a travel expense or as a business-related tax deduction? If so, how did you write them off and how did you describe the costs? My apologies...
  4. K

    Anyone ever get an SP they knew?

    Great thread. I have not personally met an SP I recognized but would like to share a story an SP once told me: Back in the "good ol' days" when $100-$150/hr was able to get you what we call a HDH today, I knew an SP who used to work in LE (law enforcement) as an assistant before working for an...
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