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  1. A

    If you want the HABS to become better ......... BOYCOTT THEM !

    OK, lets have a hockey pool. 10 participants - winner takes all. Everybody who wants to participate puts in a $100. We draft players. Everybody can draft any player (russian, swedish, finnish, french or english speaking) who is on a current NHL roster. Jalimon can only pick from a list of...
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    If you want the HABS to become better ......... BOYCOTT THEM !

    You always have to take the best players available regardless of language. If Montreal has first pick in the 2014 draft - do they take Connor McDavid, Thomas Chabot (picked 18th) or Anthony Beauvillier (picked 28th)? Can you imagine the uproar taking place if they chose Chabot? And always...
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    best way to reach downtown area from montreal central station at night.

    A few years ago, my wife and I went to Lyon, France. We got in a cab at the train station and asked the cabbie to take us to the Holiday Inn and gave her the address. She drove us and at one point, as we merged onto a round-about, I saw a Holiday Inn on the opposite side of the round-about. I...
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    Logging in to MERB

    Ditto here!
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    Annonce123 - New Format?

    Has anybody else noticed the new format for A123? It used to be that you could click on the "Rencontres" header and it would take you to the disclaimer page. Click on that and you were in. Now, you have to select which sub-folder you want to browse. Something new? Or is it just me? Not a...
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    Banned IP Address

    Thanks Techman, but I guess my complaint is more about why this is necessary at all. I can't think of another site that has the same protocol in trying discourage spammers. I use the modem (phone line) for my home business and have 3 people who are on the same modem. Imagine telling them that I...
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    Banned IP Address

    I'm going back to this thread because I am still having this issue. Last week, I was banned on 2 seperate occasions for the better part of a day each time. I understand that it is to eradicate the spammers, but is this absolutely neccesary? This is the only website/board/from that this happens...
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    Discussion thread about the new MERB configuration - including bug reports etc...

    No I didn't. Can anybody help? Thanks.
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    Discussion thread about the new MERB configuration - including bug reports etc...

    Text Display in Threads Is it just me, or are the other members whose threads have all of a sudden started getting "narrower"? What I mean is that the width of the threads is about 2 inches wide - each line has between 4 and 6 words before going to the next line. Not all posts, but quite a few...
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    Is there a uglier person in porn?

    Truly, an uglier pornstar could not be found, but I believe that his cult-like status can be attributed to the fact that he can suck himself off!
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    e- r -r

    I liked the old system - but then again, I'm using Windows 98!!:o
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    Banned IP Address

    I was OK up to - "Techman would be the one to answer this more effectively, but... "! At least I know it's not anything I did! Thanks guys!
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    Banned IP Address

    Ahhhh! OK. Thanks for the answer.
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    Banned IP Address

    Has this happened to anybody else? A few times over the last few months, I have tried to log in but get a "IP adress is banned" message. A few hours later, I will all of a sudden be able to log in without any problems.
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    Craigslist to remove erotic services section, monitor adult services posts

    Craigslist to Drop Erotic Service Ads I'm not sure if it's US based only or international. Post merged to this thread.
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    Getting Caught by Your Better Half

    OK guys. I have read all the comments so far and they all seem to point me in the same direction. I'll take that as a sign to quit the hobby. And it's not because of the fear of losing money, property or even my wife but the fact that it would probably devestate her and that would probably be...
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    Getting Caught by Your Better Half

    Yeah panthere, there is always a feeling of remorse right after I'm out the door, and both times I swore that I would stop, but the next day, I am on CL and MERB again! Considering just seeing a certified MP with the wife's blessing (for the massage portion only) and seeing if I can get a...
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    Getting Caught by Your Better Half

    OK, so this has been weighing heavy on my mind since I started - about 2 months ago. I've been happily married to my wife for close to 30 years. Love her dearly, sexually fulfilling. There's nothing that she wouldn't do for me short of getting a third in our bed. About 2 months ago, while...
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