Montreal Escorts

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  1. S

    Pope condemns condoms,

    is placed on bad client list. What do you think?
  2. S

    Re: lists. Wasn't it Groucho Marx who said...

    I would never join any club that would have me as a member!
  3. S

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    To all of the wonderful women of Montreal who may be reading this board, may you always remember the pleasure you have given us, and the memories we treasure; may it bring you happiness. Here's to you!
  4. S

    College football fans?

    How about those 'horns! Great game last night. Who predicted that it would be this good?
  5. S

    Montreal native Terra MacLeod in "Chicago"

    Sorry guys, this is about touring of a different sort. I recently took my daughter to a performance by the touring company of the play "Chicago"; it was terrifically well done! I had previously seen a Broadway production of the same (as well as the movie) and truth be told this was my favorite...
  6. S

    Hotels equivalent to Le Germain, Place d'Armes

    but less expensive? I'm not usually too fond of the larger chain hotels. I enjoy the smaller boutique hotels, which make a nice setting for meeting friends, but they do tend to be pricey. Are the St. Sulpice and the Vogue equivalently nice to say, Place d'Armes and Le Germain, respectively? St...
  7. S

    Legal sex enhancers?

    There must be some old hands here that have experience with the ED drugs, Bob Dole are you listening? Here's a poll for those--let's say 45 plus--who have experience in these matters. Can you enlighten those of us who have thought about experimenting? Do they make a difference? What side...
  8. S

    Amtrak to Montreal?

    Have any of you who travel to Montreal from the Northeastern US tried Amtrak? It's appealing to be able to work during the trip and be delivered downtown without having to pay for parking. Don't really need a car during the stay...But is the service reliable?
  9. S

    How do non-SP women feel about

    the fact that SPs work legally and are widely available in Canada? Although escorts and services are available in the US, because it is not legal with few exceptions it is done in an under the table way. This seems to affect both the quality and the working environment for SPs here, although...
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