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  1. D

    Server time out issues for the past few days

    It still unbearably slow.. most of the time the pages end up loading, but some times I get a Cloudflare error page so I have to reload.
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    The fake news industry on merb

    There is such a thing as empirical evidence, reason, facts, logic, education, the scientific method, journalistic integrity, reputation and credibility. Not every issue has equal validity from "both sides", not every opinion is equal and purely subjective, one opinion can be based on expertise...
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    New Law Restricting Short Term Condo Rentals in Montreal

    EagerBeaver, if people speculate to profit from a new disruptive industry by renting condos to frequent, short term guests, they accept the risk that this industry may someday be more regulated due to widespread problems. They may make good money now but it may also not last forever. That's the...
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    New Law Restricting Short Term Condo Rentals in Montreal

    I can totally understand. A lot of condo owners are suffering because their neighbors rent out their places frequently during the year to noisy and disrespectful visitors who don't care about the building. I would hate to be in this situation.
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    I wish independants would post their approximate location

    Giving an approximate location is an easy way to make everyone's lives a lot easier (in addition to price range). I'm sure I missed on plenty of providers because of their uninformative ad. Just add a postal code, a metro close, or street intersections, and if it's within my reach, I'm ten...
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    SP drops the L bomb

    That's a big red flag for crazy in my opinion.
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    Why do I keep going back to massage parlors?

    It's not always as exciting but most of the time I keep seeing my regular MTs who can provide real massages, some with HJ, some without, but with a touch of sensuality. I never regret those.
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    Receiving text messages from escort or agency to promote their services!

    Certains aiment recevoir des nouvelles, d'autres ne veulent laisser aucune traces et rester secrets, pour ces derniers, c'est leur responsabilité de gérer ça, avec un 2ème téléphone dédié, par exemple. Tu ne peux pas imposer tes conditions particulières à tout le monde, il faut s'attendre à des...
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    Can anyone recommend therapeutic legit massage places?

    Your best chance to find an MT (indy or otherwise) is in the "santé beauté" section on kijiji or "massotherapie" in ann123. 40$ for one hour is uncommon, it would be more around $50 to $70. If looks and age isn't important, Tanya is always a safe bet for a competent massage at 60$, or Carmen at...
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    Is it me or is anyone else experiencing technical difficulties accessing announces123

    footman, do you really have to switch to the political nutjob rambling mode the moment someone mention languages? It's such a tiring knee jerk reaction, especially when it's absolutely irrelevant to the discussion. As for 123, from day one I've had issues (whatever language), it stops showing...
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    Define ''real'' man? ''real''woman?

    Everybody is real, it's just a rather weak expression that means nothing and says more about the limited mind of the person who uses it than the person they're trying to define.
  12. D happen...where all the thread ..??

    I also prefer this older version but I appreciate the added SSL security, considering the topic of this site.
  13. D

    What turn you off in ads ?

    False pics and lack of information about price (especially regarding minimum tips expected) & general location. Unless I read a few good, informative reviews, I'm not going to take any chances on those. Also, agencies and parlors that spam tons of ads, or try to pass off as "indies". It's been...
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    Has the recent LE activity changed the way you hobby?

    Never was a big fan of massage salons with big options anyway, too crowded and impersonal, I just stick to my dependable indies or even legit therapeutic places. Sometimes, real massage skills can be more sensual than a mechanical HJ.
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    Can someone recommend a safe and effective diet for weight loss?

    Eat real food from nature (fruits, vegetables, meat, etc) and avoid the processed stuff made from man. In addition to sedentary, the obesity issue is mainly a modern food problem, everything in a box has tons of carbs, refined sugar, oil, salt, etc.
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    1500 proxénètes au Québec

    Il existe une minorité de gens qui font leur métier par choix, la plupart travaille pour payer leurs factures. Tu pense que les gens rêvaient d'être éboueurs, mineurs, ouvriers, dentistes, comptables, etc. quand ils sont jeunes? Non, mais ces services sont en demande dans la société, on ne peut...
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    Did the extreme cold weather slow down your hobbying last week?

    I use public transport and when the weather is really bad, I stick to places close to metro stations, no waiting outside for buses during a storm.
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    a question about vibrators

    No, with a condom, it will be less pleasurable for the vibrator.
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    News from Asia - The day after tomorrow !

    Heritage Foundation is a far right conservative think tank who's only concern is money. When people mention rights, they usually have in mind: democracy, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, respect for human rights, freedom of assembly, etc. China has a poor record...
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    Repeat or not to repeat?...

    Je pense que l'idéal est de faire les deux, et quand tu es d'humeur plus confortable, tu répètes avec tes préférées, et quand tu es d'humeur plus aventureuses, tu fais de nouvelle rencontres. Je ne trouve pas ça toujours facile de briser la glace dans une première rencontre, ça me demande une...
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