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  1. J

    What are the sports record most likely unbreakable ,any sports ,teams or single ?

    Lemieux december 31, 1988. Scored all 5 different types of goals in a single game: even strength, powerplay, shorthanded, penalty shot, empty net. Kinda an impossibility to replicate.
  2. J

    Have you ever been victim of gay sexual harassment?

    It's a homophobic thread because of this hostility and fear that men have about being hit on aggressively by gay men. The aggressiveness isn't because they're gay its because they're MEN. Though considering the average demographic of this board is probably 50+ men I'm not particularly surprised...
  3. J

    Have you ever been victim of gay sexual harassment?

    Who gives a fuck? And btw Obama has admitted to doing cocaine so don't think that's why he lost
  4. J

    Speeding Ticket

    Emile benamor. Sketchiest lawyer out there but he's saved my license 3 times now. Prepare to dish out some $$$ tho he's not cheap.
  5. J

    Jean Martin Aussant moves to England. Had to laugh at this one.

    His reason that cracked me up was that he didn't find any opportunities in quebec and montreal. I wonder if the havoc caused by seperatism over the last 40 years has anything to do with the downfall of quebec?
  6. J

    Stripper boomtown Anyone ever heard of this place?
  7. J

    It's ok to shoot an escort if she won't have sex - LOL

    That 2nd amendment sure is working wonders for their freedom
  8. J

    Sex with condom, no skin contact

    Maybe you should consider a different hobby :confused: ?
  9. J

    A 90¢ Loonie by 2014?
  10. J

    W5 report: Canadian women caught in the sex trade

    How the hell could they possibly get statistics on this stuff? They're only seeing the cases that go wrong or the few women that openly want to talk about it to the press. Obviously there's always gonna be some poor girl being exploited somewhere but comeon 90%??
  11. J

    Phone repair places that i can trust

    1321 Sainte-Catherine St W, Montreal, QC H3G 1P7
  12. J

    French writers vs English writers

    Yepp! Us english folk on merb haven goten one dem fancy schmancy collage degrees.
  13. J

    Tax-Free Savings Account And Dividend Stocks?

    TFSA's r great but you can't really put much into them. Theres a legal contribution limit of 5000$ a year so they're not exactly ideal if you want to throw in some real money. Its more of a government incentive to save to add to whatever you already put aside.
  14. J

    Where to Buy a Leather Jacket

    try rudsak
  15. J

    What was the hobby like in the 80s, 70s, 60s. ( 50s if there are any geezers left )

    correct me if i'm wrong but adjusted for inflation isn't that WAY more expensive than today?
  16. J

    canadian need a new captain

    Canadians need a new team!
  17. J

    Is the best TV police drama ever-made, The Shield?

    THE WIRE! amazing series
  18. J

    Driving school

    omega driving school
  19. J

    Liking the rough and kinky stuff as I get older check out the chart #2 about rough sex
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