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    Loin de Superman...

    Ces types sont des pourritures. Peu importe qu'il soit champion du monde ou maire de Montréal, rien de ce qu'Adonis a fait ne peut être pardonné. Les pimps font honte à l'espèce humaine.
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    W5 report: Canadian women caught in the sex trade

    Wow. I'm floored. Beauty and brains. Such a turn on!!! :rolleyes:
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    Rejection of the proposed amendments to the Charter of the French language (Bill 14)

    I read jnutz's comment, and it proves to me that Quebec needs those laws. There are some people who don't care about culture, who care only about numbers and economics. It's really sad. I hate laws. But some things need protecting against "la bêtise crasse"...
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    Sure. I have this link in french, from La Presse : This girl was savagely beaten, repeatedly raped and forced into prostitution by these guys. I don't know...
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    Hey, guys I've been reading about Sandy's story, and that Mataev trial. It really fucks me up. I could kill those bastards with my own hands, seriously. And it got me thinking: how do I know that this masseuse or that escort is there on her own free will? What can I do? I don"t go to those...
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