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  1. M

    What are your favorite video games of all times

    Couldn't find a thread about gaming so far...But I'm sure I'm not the only gamer out there. So, what are you favorite games of all times ?? My own top ten (I'm a PC guy), in no specific order: Half-Life 2 System Shock 2 Mass Effect 2 Deus Ex Human Revolution Company of Heroes IL-2 Sturmovik Age...
  2. M

    Forces Armées; affaire Raymond

    Que pensez vous de l'acquittement de l'adjudant Gagnon pour agression sexuelle dans l'affaire Stéphanie Raymond ?? On sait que c'est l'Omerta dans les Forces Armées, mais en même temps, la jeune femme ne me semblait pas crédible; j'ai donc fait un Google et sur quoi suis-je tombé ? Des photos...
  3. M

    Anyone doing the Insanity program ?

    Ok, I'm not much of a gym rat, but I workout..I go to the gym 3 times a week and workout at home the rest of the week... Not a muscle strenght guy, much more of an endurance guy... This is why I love so much the Insanity program, from P90x a couple of times in the past, then...
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