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Montreal Escorts

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  1. N

    Girl gets raped in Dubai, calls Police and gets sent to jail!...

    She has now been granted a pardon. It doesn't fix the injustice, but at least she's free.
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    Crossing the Border: Need advice on traveling to Montreal from USA

    I remember coming home from a bachelor trip to Montreal - the US customs agent took our passports, saw four hung over guys in a car on a Sunday morning, and just asked, "Who's getting married?" We laughed and were on our way. In fact, on our way up, when asked the purpose of our visit, one of...
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    Booking: Eleganza vs. Devilish?

    Just for clarification from my original post: With both agencies (this time), it was a same-day request. The only time I've ever tried to book someone more then a day out was the Legendary Marie-Eve. I doubt that Chris thought it was a prank call, because I told him I was surprised to hear...
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    Booking: Eleganza vs. Devilish?

    Let me start off by saying that my best and most memorable experiences have been with Chris and Devilish. Having said that, it somewhat pains me to post my experiences, but I think it's important enough to share... Arriving in Montreal with a party of five other guys, we initially weren't sure...
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    Joke Thread

    Sorry if this has been posted in another form before, but I'm not reading 30 pages of jokes to find it. ********************************************************** God is pissed. Royally pissed. He's so angry, he decides that he's going to destroy the world. In fact, he's so disgusted with...
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    Traveling hobbyists?

    I've always driven into Montreal. On our way in: BP: "What is the purpose of your visit?" Us: "DRINKING GAMBLING AND BEAUTIFUL WOMEN!!!" BP: "Enjoy!" On our way out: BP: "...(looks at all of us in the car hung over and half asleep) Ok, which one of you knuckleheads is getting...
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    Some Italian lightly sparkling wines will have a cork that is only slightly extended, but not flush. Impossible to work out with just your hands, but also tricky to get a corkscrew in to.
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    What should the NFL do to Michael Vick if he's found guilty?

    Korbel, I don't think I understand your position. You're linking potential earning capacity in a free-market system with the punishments meted out by the criminal justice system. Pro sports make their money from people willing to pay to watch sports (and the ad revenue it generates). Are you...
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    First time with an escort

    Wow, it's so hard to remember this without wanting to repeatedly punch myself in the face for being a jackass. Which, by the way, is the sure-fire way to keep yourself awake during long drives. Just think about something embarassing that you would have handled differently. Anyway, I was up...
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    the new surveillance program

    This is quite possibly the best thread I have ever read.
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    Best Steak ???

    Ah, I do indeed, but that's because I love braised meats. The marrow in a braised preparation like osso bucco comes out very different then in a dry heat application like you would normally grill or broil a steak. People keep talking about Schwartz's... what's that all about?
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    Best Steak ???

    It's been explained already, but in a bit more detail... You normally see whole tenderloins vacu-sealed up. It's only when you look at the primals that you can see them on the bone. The section of beef that becomes the T-Bone or porterhouse (depending on which end) can be cut so that a small...
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    Best Steak ???

    Queue de Cheval? I'm headed up to Montreal in a few weeks, and have not eaten at QdC. Is there anyone that could compare it to, say, the US Ruth's Chris or Morton's chains? Or better yet, to NYC's Peter Luger's, or Gallagher's? Not to disparage steakhouses (because I love steak), but...
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    CNET: US's civil war over ID cards

    I'm shocked, really. I can't believe any of you people REALLY think this is a conspiracy for "big brother" to "track your movements". You people are generally pretty intelligent. You'll accept that we landed on the moon. You'll accept that diseases are not artificially manufactured by...
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    CNET: US's civil war over ID cards

    btyger, The government has repeatedly ruled that there is "no legitimate privacy interest" in the use of drugs. Furthermore, there is (supposedly) a "valid public safety concern" when it comes to drug use. That is, so long as minimally-invasive searches are performed in such a way that...
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    CNET: US's civil war over ID cards

    My emphasis added. It is extremely more likely that smart card technology would be used instead of RFID, mostly in order to maintain security and prevent identity theft. The idea is to make ID cards more difficult to counterfeit, not to make people easier to track. There are drivers licenses...
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    CNET: US's civil war over ID cards

    A national identification system is clearly within the powers of the federal government, via the commerce clause of the US Constitution. Although I am a federalist at heart, the worry over "big brother" is much ado about nothing. It makes perfect sense to ask that states issuing their own...
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    Make love, not war!

    GG, Ah, but that wasn't the question. Clearly, the AARP is not the same as the NRA. The WWF is different from the VFW. The point is that their right to lobby on behalf of their members is the same. By restricting "some" lobbies which may or may not be mainstream, you have to restrict the...
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    Make love, not war!

    1) No. But no true system is completely laissez-faire. Certain government regulations must exist to protect the consumer from the dangers of unbridled capitalism. It's a delicate balance. What if crack was freely marketed and sold? Imagine an entire nation of complete addicts. 2) Plenty of...
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    Sean Connery's calling it quits

    Favorite Red October moment: Sean has just announced to the crew their "mission". They engage the caterpillar silent drive, and filled with nationalistic pride, they start to sing. The XO tells Sean that the singing can be heard. Sean looks around, swells with love of his crew, his ship...
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