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  1. H

    Give me a number - What percentage of the female population have been SPs/MPs

    Province or nationwide less than 3/10th of 1% or 3 in a 1,000. For 3,6 million females in Québec (all ages) 10,800.
  2. H

    What are we going to call this decade?

    I suggest we call it «The Bush decade».
  3. H

    Cialis/Viagra fear!

    As I understand it, the purpose of this thread is to determine whether Viagra/Levitra/Cialis can cause some sort of dependance be it physical or psychological. I have tried both Viagra and Levitra on an very irregular bases (three or four times per year). I stopped using Viagra because I...
  4. H

    Hotels with themed rooms

    in Laval, Le Fabreville 4301 Dagenais ouest www.lefabreville.com
  5. H

    Ever date an SP ??

    For a relatively short period of time ( a few months) I did have a girlfriend relationship with an sp. Her work did not bother me but economics came into play. She had so much more available income than me and was a big spender that i was unable to keep up with her plans and i ended the...
  6. H

    est-ce le mois de novembre ou c'est qu'il y a juste de la bullshit ??

    Il faut souligner que 99.999 % des clients et des dames de compagnie sont corrects, respectueux et tolérants les uns envers les autres. Malheureusement i y a toujours eu et il y aura toujours des marginaux/mentalement obsédés pour s'en prendre aux travailleuses. C'est impossible à prévoir...
  7. H

    Harper Encore Et Encore

    Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec l'analyse de gros minet. Tous ceux et celles qui sont fédéralistes ( personnellement je suis indépendantiste grand partisan des idées de Jacques Parizeau) deraient voter pour Stephen Harper pour deux raisons. Un, il a tenu ses promesses et deux, il respecte...
  8. H

    Want to buy a new laptop - any suggestions?

    I purchased a Compak Presario A900 from Future Shop last February and I have no complaints but this model may not be the rigth choice for you. I noticed that batteries only last a few hours before they need to be charged. This is not an inconvenience for me because I only use my portable at...
  9. H

    Should Canada's Prostitution laws be amended?

    I just used Amsterdam as an example and I read somewhere on the internet that some places in the Red Light district had closed but i do not remember whether they closed because of a change in public policy or lack of interest from customers. The point I was trying to make is that every so...
  10. H

    Should Canada's Prostitution laws be amended?

    What's wrong with the laws as they are? An other useless conference on the subject. As they stand the laws do not prevent and never prevented prostitution. In 2008, is there one sp provider that worries about being prosecuted? Prostitution (fee for companionship) is not illegal or is no...
  11. H

    Bonnes fêtes Ysabelle

    Bravo pour tes trente ans.
  12. H

    la choses la plus niaiseuse qu l'on ai faite et en rire

    Tu surveille pas trop tes factures Isabelle pour pas savoir que tu avais Super Écran depuis deux ans. J'espère que le film était bon. Pour rester dans le sujet, oui j'en fais plein de gaffes, toutes avec des femmes mais ça c'est une autre histoire.
  13. H

    My First Time with an Sp

    I admire a person that can remember the past (7 years ago) in such a crisp and vivid manner. I tend to forget details quickly. Your eloquent writing however does bring back some emotions and memories. We have a common denominator: my first time was the result of being lonely and at...
  14. H

    what do you think about... an "Independants' thread"

    Excellente idée qui va prendre un certain temps avant de se réaliser parce que le nombre de véritables indépendantes est encore trop bas. Ce serait d'autant plus souhaitable car il me semble impossible de demander à ceux qui écrivent sur ces sites de penser à inclure le mot "indépendant" dans le...
  15. H

    Who Takes Used Furniture Sets?

    Société St-Vincent de Paul Try Société St-Vincent de Paul 4561, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, Montréal, QC H4C 1S3 Tél. : 514-989-7954
  16. H

    Any Predictions For Strip Clubs After Smoking Ban?

    Unfortunetaly I am still a smoker but i don't want to debate the merits of it and will remain on the subject matter: how will did affect business?. Well it depends on the type of business. Most restaurants which were already family oriented for example McDonald's were already smokeless...
  17. H

    Montreal in another Maxim write up...

    It seems that the perception about women is proportionnal to your degree of success. If you have no success in Montreal you may find the women arrogant and if you score in Toronto they may all look beautiful or is it vice versa. Whatever! On a personnal note, I am a Montrealer and...
  18. H

    My first time this last weekend

    Dear Sir, I share your feelings. However another eigth months of frustration will bring about somewhat of a cure and if you have not yet found a special person you may then be able to go all the way. If I may add a personnal note I also was not too active after a separation and even...
  19. H

    Cologne recomendations?

    A refine smell of spice seems appreciated. I have been using Obsession for men by Kalvin Klein for several years and I have always received my share of compliments. So I remain faithful this this brand.
  20. H

    Legal sex enhancers?

    I will try to answer the query as best I can. First, if you are in good health with no problem having an erection why would bother with these drugs considering that a box of four viagra will cost between $52 and $60. These pills are prescription drugs so it is best to buy legit and see...
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