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28 years ago today ...


Professional Pervert
Feb 8, 2008
28 years ago today the world lost one of it's greatest sons ...

John Lennon

At the rip age of 40, his life was ended with a single gun shot heard through out the world ...

I can't help but imagine what wonders he had in store for us in his golden age ...

Thank you for every thing John ..

Everything that was and could of been ...

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I was very depressed on the day John Lennon was shot. What a void it caused in the music world, killed by an obsessive fan in the prime of his life. I remember having just bought the "Double Fantasy" album just a few days earlier. Great album. Just the other day, i attended Neil Young & Neil Diamond concerts & i began to think of how great it would have been to see John Lennon live in concert. He had so much great music left within him. Music lovers around the world lost so much with his death. I had the same thoughts when i saw Paul McCartney in concert 2 years ago. Today, i'd probably be hoping to buy a good ticket for an upcoming John Lennon concert if he wouldn't have been shot. He was a man of peace who spoke against war & violence. Sad at the way he had to die. This great Beatles' fan still misses him dearly, along with the since-departed George Harrison.
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