Montreal Escorts

Agency versus independent


Jan 15, 2019
What is the difference between the girls from the agencies and the independent escorts? I am new to this world but when I see the ads on the top agencies, the girls look amazing and the prices seem very reasonable. Am I missing something?
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
I do both, and i am satisfied with both. It depends on what you are looking for. In agencies you have to wait until the girl shows up on schedule, while with indies you can work out a suitable timing for both. In my opinion, if budget is not a issue, it is really about the girl. Service wise it is mostly the same.


Jan 15, 2019
Thanks for the answers guys. One last question, if I deal with an agency, what's the norm in terms of the tip for the girl? I don't want to be cheap but I don't want to be too generous. Also, when you book an hour with a girl from XO or Euphoria, can I assume that it always includes msog or that's an extra? Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2004
Visit site
A tip is always appreciated, but not expected.

If anything, it might help to distinguish you as a good client. But I’m sure most providers who are active here will tell you that no amount of money in the world will ever replace good communication, courteous manners and impeccable hygiene.

As for MSOG, your mileage will always vary. Everyone has off days and showing up expecting nothing but balls to the walls action is a sure fire way to rub a lot of girls the wrong way. As a general rule, don’t “expect” a girl to provide a specific service. Instead, do everything in your power to “earn“ that privilege.
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Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
I would discourage you from thinking in terms of indy v agency. In Montreal, there are fantastic stunning girls both at agnecies and as independant. Instead, you should think of MERB advertisers and non-MERB advertisers. If you restrict yourself to agencies and indys who advertise on MERB you are pretty much guaranteed that that the girl will be exactly as she appears in her pictures. If you stick to girls who have a healthy review history, you will almost certainly get fabulous service.

Just pick a few girls whose pics you really like and look up their reviews. If you find one with pages of positive reviews, book her and enjoy yourself. Montreal is escort heaven.


Apr 20, 2014
I started off mainly via agencies but lately ventured towards indys. I have had wonderful experiences through both. The only observation I'm noticing so far is that it takes more time to plan with independents (which I don't typically mind, I'm a planner myself) but so far there are been a surprising number of cancellations, deferrals and ghosting over the years. Not sure if it's just my bad luck or not, but that kind of stings more since more effort was expended on the planning. I'm currently planning to see two independents and crossing my fingers that they will be successful meetings.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I've always preferred agency girls because they are typically newer to the business and I prefer a fresh new look and less mileage. But, sometimes (as in the past 15 months) I miss girls that were working at agencies that have moved on to the indy scene and for those I would definitely take the plunge. So as a preference, agency girls are for me because I come to Montreal for the variety. but either way you go its a win!


Active Member
Jun 12, 2006
The indy route is my preference.

I love fishing, and go on trips often. Some guided, some not.

Most agency girls are the rookie guides, they have been told where the fish are and can take you there BUT they would rather be fishing themselves AND are always ready to clock off.
Most indy girls are the experienced guides, they enjoy watching people learn to cast and catch fish more than fishing themselves and ALMOST never watch the clock.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
The indy route is my preference.

I love fishing, and go on trips often. Some guided, some not.

Most agency girls are the rookie guides, they have been told where the fish are and can take you there BUT they would rather be fishing themselves AND are always ready to clock off.
Most indy girls are the experienced guides, they enjoy watching people learn to cast and catch fish more than fishing themselves and ALMOST never watch the clock.
Interesting - I usually just have sex with the escorts. I have never thought of fishing. Do they bring their own rods?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Why I prefer indies.

1) I prefer to communicate directly with the girl instead of communicating with a booker.
Small anecdote, several years ago. I call the Agency (which I will not name) to book a girl that I had liked, the previous week, and the booker tells me that she is reserved for the whole evening, and warmly offers me one another, who was not my type, in short, $ 200 thrown out the window.

2) I prefer personal interaction, so I feel like I'm not just a number. I prefer to read indies's websites than the short description of agency girls.

3) Yes I know agency girls are cheaper, but at the end of the day I think my investment with indies make me profitable.


Active Member
May 5, 2018
Je préfère les indys. Car on peut communiquer directement avec elles avant la rencontre.

J’ai été avec une fille en agence une fois, et j’ai été un peu turned off quand j’ai compris qu’elle avait eu un client avant moi et qu’elle en voyait un autre après aussi. Donc ce « travail » à la chaîne me rebute un peu. Même si certaines filles indépendantes peuvent aussi faire plusieurs clients dans une même journée, c’est sûrement moins commun. J’ai moins l’impression d’être un simple numéro avec une Indy.

Aussi, je trouve qu’avec les photos des sites comme XO ou Euphoria, on est souvent induit en erreur. Les photos sont trop retouchées. Plusieurs filles ont l’air super canons, mais quand tu vois leurs photos sur Twitter après...tu restes un peu déçu. Je préfère donc les sites des Indy où oui il y a des photos pros, mais aussi souvent des photos « amateurs » qui donnent une bien meilleur idée non seulement sur le physique de la fille, mais sur sa personnalité.


New Member
May 14, 2021
Long time lurker from USA. First experiences in Montreal pre-covid were amazing. Sampled from XO, Euphoria and Mike's Mansion during my last trip. All my experience has been at FKKs in Germany where the experience is a bit surreal.

Post COVID, I wanted to start planning on who to see (when border opens up... let's go already) so I wanted to ask about thoughts about the philosophical difference around Agency vs Indy Escorts.

I for one love the lower price point and the ease of setting up with the bookers for the agencies. There are plenty of high Quality girls at the Agencies so I wanted to hear why would one visit with an Indy.

Obviously, the girls who get very popular at an agency and make a name for themselves move on to Indy status and more money.

Never tried an Indy yet so any prior personal experience or thoughts in this Area would be greatly appreciated. Is it just a function of what the girl will or will not do?

In the US we have no choice but to potentially go with what we hope is an Indy. Hence I would love to hear the different philosophies that exist.
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Active Member
Nov 28, 2015
You're putting too much thought into it.

Indys are more accommodating to scheduling in advance, they are less likely to cancel on the day of.

If there's a particular girl you want to see who is an indy, you see an indy. There's no deep philosophy to it.

It is definitely not what the girl will or will not do.
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New Member
May 14, 2021
You're putting too much thought into it.

Indys are more accommodating to scheduling in advance, they are less likely to cancel on the day of.

If there's a particular girl you want to see who is an indy, you see an indy. There's no deep philosophy to it.

It is definitely not what the girl will or will not do.
Agreed. Maybe I am overthinking things. Thanks to the mod I found this post which has a lot of good input from many members. Montreal is the place to be either way you go.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
From the point of view of the customer, there is no "philosophical" difference between indy and agency. Girls work for one or the other because of their personal preferences on how they want to get to the client. In Montreal, both agency girls and indy girls aim to provide excellent service to their clients - particularly girls who are MERB advertisers. Try both so you can find the girl or girls who are the best fit for you.


New Member
Dec 7, 2014
A few years ago, I was seeing Indys only but since their prices have increased drastically (Over-price) in Montreal (higher than Toronto), I only see agencies.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
In the past several years I have booked almost no one except agency girls. The main reason is that I prefer to make a same-day decision on whether to see any girl at all. Seeing an indy almost always requires advance planning of at least 2-3 days or a week or more. When I visit Montreal, my plans can change from day to day and I never decide exactly what I will do until after I wake up and get moving (and get some coffee and food).

Given the wide selection and availability of agency girls, I can always find a few who meet my preferences when I check schedules in the morning. If I see that a certain girl I really like is available then I will book her for whatever time of day she is available and I will plan my day around her availability. If I identify a few girls that please me, then I will pick the one that best fits my preferred schedule. Sometimes I decide not to book in the morning and to wait and see who is still available later in the day. Sometimes I decide to book no one and just wait for the next day.

In selecting one or more possibilities, I read the descriptions (age, ethnicity, body type etc.), look at photos, check schedules and read reviews (paying special attention to the recommendations of reviewers whom I respect). None of those factors are decisive in picking a girl-I'm pretty flexible and willing to roll the dice on a girl who may not be widely reviewed. I have met some great girls by taking a chance on ones who are not highly ranked. In fact, I tend to avoid the girls who are wildly popular and hard to book. I would rather unearth my own treasures than pursue the well-known treasures of others.

I do acknowledge that there are a lot of indy girls who look and sound great. If there were no agency girls so easily available, then I would gladly put in the effort to plan in advance to see indies. But my preference for agency girls is determined by my preference for same day booking and no advance planning of more than several hours.
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